Have I got prostatitis?

I had a 2 and half hour flight last week and noticed when i urinated after sitting for so long, I had white stuff at the end of my urine. Ive googled it and it points to a prostate infection. Ive always had pain in the tip of my dick when i touch it, and my prostate hurts - mild pain.

Went to doctor and he thinks its just a Urinary Tract Infection and did a urine analysis and PSA blood test.

How can prostatitis be diagnosed properly? Do I need a semen analysis to diagnose this properly?

I get my results in a few days.

See the following threads:



J89, do some reading on prostatitis. It is almost any condition or inflammation or “congestion” of the prostate. And it is often hard to diagnose, and/or treat, and can persist for many years.
Google up “congested prostate”.

Also, those are tell tale symptoms, the ones that you had.

To me, this is what I think most of us have. When my prostate isn’t acting up, I feel fine.
My shits are normal, dick, stomach, libido, everything.

So I’ve been reading all about nutrition, and exercise, and “curing chronic prostatitis” and have found that walking can help a lot, as well as other things. But I am going to try walking.
I feel that if I can just free up the area just enough, so that blood flow and everything can increase in the area, my symptoms will wash, and disappear. I have heard from some other guys that have gotten rid of their propecia symptoms/urinary symptoms through walking a lot for a few months. and a very very healthy diet with no animal fats.

I don’t get many of the prostatitis like symptoms you guys mention. However one thing I find to worsen my symptoms is animal fat. Mostly red meat. It’s one of the only things I can say for sure has an immediate effect on my symptoms. I know it causes inflammation. It also increases estrogen so that’s another thing to consider. I try to stick to chicken and stay away from red meat. Has anyone tried eliminating animal fats entirely? Problem is I’ve already lost A LOT of weight through all of this, and I also feel I need the protein.

BTW, I just had a DRE with a good uro and he says all is well. Though I’m aware how hard it is to detect.


If you have problems with animal fat than its more likely your digestive system has issues and not your prostate.

Good news on getting a clean DRE regarding Prostate. That along with PSA scores are all u need to eliminated an issue with your prostate (what i think at least).

For me, I can just feel it. When I feel discomfort down there, I get urinary symptoms and dick symptoms (dick feels weird, no libido).
It scares me. I know its some condition of my prostate, because when I walk, take hot baths, I am relaxed, and not traveling in cars, I feel better, and sometimes normal.
Also, I have introduced broccoli into my diet in a big way! I try to eat it everyday in some way or another… and this helps a lot, again spmetimes I feel normal. Lately I haven’t even been all too sure whether its the broccoli thats been making me feel normal again, or because I am actually in fact getting better. ?
But I tell you diet, and all those things like I mentioned before OBVIOUSLY help me out, so its why I’m sure its my prostate. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to do all the reading on the millions of google pages on ‘prostatitis’ and determine if it is in fact a prostate issue you are having. There is a nerve sheath that is for the penis and erections, and sexual arousal right next to and fastened to the prostate, and that gets affected by prostate issues.

And BTW, I have talked to many many different guys over on Meso forum, but none had experienced the kinds of prostate issues like pain and aching in testicles and numb penis, and aching down below, discomfort, from hypogonadism or hormone issues.

Its obvious to me. I took a drug which SHRINKS the prostate, STUPID STUPID STUPID, then when I stopped my prostate gave me problems, and I have all the symptoms.
I used to wake up with much more discomfort inside, and more aching and urinary problems, but now as the discomfort inside improves, the symptoms have been less.

RK, do you still take Viagra regularly? And why, because it keep away your side effects?

I take it to have sex. Not sure if it would relieve any symptoms (other than ED temporarily). I wonder about the positive effect of better blood flow on the penile tissue but I have no idea. I don’t get pain as much anymore but that may be due to time or the colchicine. I’ve stopped the colchicine and things seem to be fine so far. The best things I’ve noticed that help is low fat diet and less alcohol. I can’t cut out the alcohol completely but I’ve cut down and I think it helps.

For the record I was taking Cialis. I’m trying now to use viagra/levitra instead when I could. I saw a urologist a week ago (Mccullough) who told me he believed Cialis might inhibit something called PDE11, which is made in the testes and can affect fertility. He did a study himself which showed otherwise but he doesn’t like FDA studies because they don’t cover all variables, like people with healthy hormones AND unhealthy hormones, etc. He also doesn’t believe all the subjects take the drug and wishes they would test the blood for it to be sure, which they don’t. He mentioned this being possible with fin as well. Sorry to get off topic.

What tests do I need to ask for from a urologist? I had a urine sample and PSA and both were normal. I dont buy it. If there is white stuff coming out of my dick - there is a problem.

Can anyone give me an idea of what the best ways are to treat this? I know of the broccolie treatment, is there any others? Any natural stuff I can take?

I aslo get like a little spasm in my prostate (or i assume its my prostate) every now and then. Also I feel really sick in my stomach a lot…like kind of nausious and just sick.

I do too, get the little spasm inside. Its weird. I think its probably the prostate tryin to heal or sumthin…

ANyway, most of all my posts, about prostatitis, all have material which talk about how difficult it is to test for and detect prostatitis and also how most doctors do it incorrectly, also how there is a lot of other forms of prostatitis…
I am convinced I have prostate issue though…

J89, how long have you been suffering still? Are things progressively improving for you, and what are your symptoms, what has improved?

It could be semen that is left in your system? I know if I have nocturnal erections but no wet dream and no ejaculate after a day or two i have semen in my urine…it’s just the pre-cum from having an erection earlier.

If you have good PSA numbers than you should buy it. Why is it so hard to believe that your prostate can be healthy and it may be something else. Desperately trying to pin your issues on a body part that has labs to PROVE otherwise is simply setting yourself up for dissappointment.

Dude, because I can feel it. Its as simple as that. I have some sort of ‘congestion’ down in my prostate area, and when it clears up I feel fine and am fine, but when it flares up, and is there (the congestion, cold penis), I have urinary symptoms, discomfort, and worry and depressed, little sex drive, some sexual dys.
and so on.

For me this is what I think and feel.
And by all means I think this could be slightly affected by soem hormone issues, Chi energy flow, stagnation, and congestion in that area.
Its all interrelated.
See, the reason I say some hormones and neurotransmitters is because for the last two days I’ve been on Adderall, and I’ve been feeling MUCH MUCH better, because my Chi energy has been improving, I don’t feel all the stagnation down in the area, the congestion is hardly preent, I am not focussed on the area, and blood flow is better.
Its all interconnected.

Dude, read something on the prostate, and prostate disorders! There’s tons and tons of literature out there on how once your prostate gets injured, or inflamed, it takes ages to heal.
Its in a very difficult location crammed all up between our body’s excretory system, and then once this thing in all pressing up against things, the congestion, and bad lymph flow in the area, can cause bacteria to fester, and pass from excretion into prostate. Its very easy.

I’m not saying I have bacteria, but all I’m saying is there is something bothering me down there. Some sort of congestion and irritation. But I’ve almost got it nipped in the bud! I’m gonna beat this thing. Because I’m listening to my symptoms, and doing all I can to prevent them, until my lymph system and vascular system can get things flowing properly again on their own.
Ask Reason, ask Tom43.

Good luck!

Rockin, I had a milky discharge after a flight for a few hours - sitting on a chair. This is a symptom of prostatits. You get a discharge after sitting for long periods of time. My prostate also twitches and spasms and stuff. I feel that a DISCHARGE, not pre-cum, is worth checking out.

Can you please tell where in my post I said that I was trying to pin all my problems on prostatitis? I wouldnt trust blood tests alone for any health problem of mine because experience has shown me that blood tests simply dont tell the full story most of the time. Doctors dont know it all…thats we are all here…so try and keep an open mind if you can.