Try supplementing non-iodized salt for a bit. Idk what about it, but it helped me get back that “I love people” feeling. You also have to be able to connect with people. There is this sensation from looking someone directly in the eyes that getting down helped me.
I don’t know if you guys get this, but sometimes when I look into another person’s eyes there is this flicker (eyes dash to the side for a brief second, almost uncontrollably) and cuts off the connection forming with that person. Learning to control this flicker and keep it from happening changed something dramatically in myself. I’m assuming its anxiety, but it wasnt allowing me to connect with others.
Also one last thing. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone. It is stimulated when you bond with another person. You cannot force this to be stimulated, I have tried. In authentically saying I love you or like you or whatever not only doesn’t work to stimulate oxytocin, but it feels disgusting. But anyway, here’s why I am saying this. Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that enables proper socializing. You need it stimulating so you can be running on all cylinders. Both libido and overall halpiness are dramatically affected by this hormone.