Has anyone with muscle loss tried TRT in a LOW dose?

I am starting to think of TRT as an option. Has anyone with muscle wastage tried TRT in a LOW dose?

Yes, and Its helped me in that area. Not so much with mood or other things.

I can take a triple dose of TRT and get no improvments in that area. Before fin was able to gain muscle easy. Our body is removing T for a reason TRT will not help much.

That’s another thing that’s crazy about this disease. I go on TRT and one of the limited benefits I get is the return of some muscle mass. Not as good as pre-fin but better then looking like I have full blown aids.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I was told by awor that the only thing that has been effective for him is TRT on a low dose, as it puts downregulatory pressure on the androgen receptor. But he insisted it was a low dose and long term, helping him very slowly.

I am losing a lot of muscle, so I am interested in finding a solution to this problem. Has anyone else with muscle wastage tried TRT?

Hey Kan,

No matter how many people do or don’t reply to this thread. At the end of the day, you will have to see what your response to T is on your own. I have seen way to much variation here. You cant judge your potential response by others experiences. That said, if you have not already, you should get some blood work first for a base line. Then recheck every 90 days to see how your body is reacting. If you have been low for a long time expect improvements to be gradual.

Good Luck

low is how low? currently i have 600s total t… it cant be a low dose trt alreadey…?