Has anyone used Strattera?

I went to the doctor today to talk about my ADD symptoms. I told him I didn’t want anything with sexual side effects, as I’ve delt with stuff in the past(did not mention propecia). He then suggested Strattera, and would feel comfortable giving me this over the 2 common Amphetamine drugs. I went home and looked up side effects and some common ones are

:painful ejaculation problems
:no sexual desire
:Urinary hesitation and/or urinary retention
:Ejaculation delayed and/or ejaculation disorder
:Libido decreased

Some say this goes away after being on it for awhile, others say it stays with them as long as they are on the drug. Just wondering If anyone here has taken strattera, adderal or concerta?
I read on this site (propeciahelp) someone was taking it and it actually increased his libido. Interesting

Also found this info about how it works, what exactly does this mean? Lemme know what you think.
Strattera is a norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitor, which means it increases the amount of norepinephrine in your body which acts as a hormone and neurotransmitter, you can look up more info on it on wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norepinephrine

“Norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine by dopamine β-hydroxylase.[3] It is released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, and is also a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system where it is released from noradrenergic neurons. The actions of norepinephrine are carried out via the binding to adrenergic receptors.”

what this means is that even though strattera technically isn’t classified as a stimulant, it still activates the sympathetic nervous system just as a stimulant medication would, you can think of the sympathetic nervous system as the “fight-or-flight” nervous system

with that in mind, the bladder, along with the smooth muscles that operate the prostate gland, unfortunately are part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which you can think of as the “rest and digest” nervous system, the opposite of the sympathetic system

because both stimulant/non-stimulant meds act on the sympathetic system, and sometimes over-ride the parasympathetic systems ability to activate (trouble urinating, ejaculating, not being able to get it out before it shuts itself off again, delays, etc…), both types of meds tend to produce the same difficulties in this area, non-stimulants like atomoxetine are still less addictive overall, and should not hit sex-drive or appetite as hard as a stimulant would though because there is not as much dopamine present in the brain as a stimulant med would produce

My brother toook that cause he has some learning problems. His behavior totally changed. He became very aggresive to the family throwing tantrems and swearing at us. When he quit he was back to his happy self. He was like a monster when on.

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Did he have any sexual side effects that you knew of? Thanks. I’m most likely not gonna take this stuff, but was just wondering if anyone on these boards had any experience with it.

I think he had problems getting an erection on it.

Neoepinephrine = (basically) adrenaline = treatment for priapism by constricting blood vessels.


SSRIs are reuptake inhibitors. Both SSRIs and Neoepinephrine reuptake inhibitors artificially increase something in your body by blocking reuptake leading to receptor shutdown.

Your ADD symptoms and PFS together will be better managed by a paleo diet than another medication that causes worse problems than the ones it’s intended to treat.