Has anyone tried Vyleesi? It came on the market a couple months ago Dr. Goldstein wants to prescribe it to me, he said it gives you a lot of dopamine and last 36 hours. In the short time it’s been out he said it has helped a lot of PFS patients exspirence high libido, erections and orgasms.
Is it similar to addyi or whatever it’s called? From what I’ve read on here no one has had great results from Goldstein
I believe it is the same as PT-141. I think several members have tried it with varying outcomes.
Yeah Goldstein wants to try it on me too. It’s another drug he helped bring to the market. May work on minor cases. It’s probably like 3 out of 30 .patients he’s treating if that. He talks about our condition like he does a healthy pre-menopausal woman. Or an older gentlemen with low libido. Same meds, same lame attempt at blaming numbness on spinal cord, and same trying shockwave on shrinkage not understanding the lack of dht is what caused the shrinkage. Any my dry skin, etc. He told me he’s just throwing shit at a wall. It’s an expensive wall though
I have a cyst on my l4-5 as well, my situation is unique with the fact I had numbness before trying propecia, so spinal issue could be a real concern
Do we have any indication how many patients Dr Goldstein is treating?
I’d be interested to know how many “a lot” being helped represents.
I’m not saying that with any negative inference, just interested.
I’d like to know also. I don’t think “a lot” are being helped
Yeah guess I dont know how many patients he has, he says he has PFS patients that come from as far as Australia
True that seems to be the nature of PFS and the doctors that try and treat it.
How have you guys been doing, anyone recovered?
Has Vyleesi worked?
Also, has anyone tried Buspar or Addyi?
Tried those no recovery
I’ve tried Vyleesi twice – Didn’t experience any change in libido (or any other side-effects). I’d still consider trying it if you haven’t though, others have reported much improved libidos after usage
Who are the others out of curiosity?
Expensive stuff, no change when I took it.