Has anyone tried ritalin?

I saw my Dr. today and he prescribed ritalin for the possibility of late onset ADD. (I have major brain fog that seems to be getting worse. Particularly stumbling over words and not being able to find the right word) He added that it could help with the sexual sides. (I’ve got these too)

I read in a link on this sight that ritalin has been shown to help with post-SSRI sexual sides. And I know it inhibits the reuptake of dopamine.

Has anyone tried this as a treatment of symptoms? I am hesitant to start taking it.

You hit the nail on the head.

It is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and can stimulate activation of dopamine. This is why it has abuse potential, 'cause it effectively mimics amphetamines.

What the doc’ said about helping sexual side effects is dead on right. Methylphenidate (ritalin) is like another stimulant called Modafinil (provigil) which has been used to increase libido. Ritalin usually isn’t the number one drug for SSRI sexual dysfunction, as there are better, more effective and less adictive drugs to use, but it has been used nonetheless.

Here are some patient testimonials regarding Ritalin and it’s sexual side effects: (www.askapatient.com)

I say try it out–listen to the Doc. If it doesn’t help at all after ~ 2 weeks, then don’t use it and try something else. But do give it about 2 weeks , as this is usually the appropriate amount of time to get acclimated to a drug.

Good luck and hope this helps.

Yes, it can help. I wouldn’t say that it will get you better, but I think it can help one function and feel better.
I went back on Adderall (similar to Ritalin) for about 5 weeks. My sexual problems were put to the back burner. I really didnt think about them much, or feel affected by them much. I had sex a few times. Still wasn’t the stud I once was, but it was ok. I think the biggest helper was that I didnt think about it all the time. It DID help my libido though. I was a horn ball again.
And BTW, 2 weeks is much too short a time. It takes about 2 weeks just to start getting used to the drug, and accepting of what its doing to you. you then need another three four weeks to determine if you can make it work for you, and determine if it works with your lifestyle and the people you associate with.

Good luck.
I did stop taking it again, because I sometimes dont like the side effects, and like any drug, I don’t want to take it forever (I took it once for four YEARS straight) but I would go back on it any day. As you will see, there are some great things about the drug, and there is a reason its been the number one choice treatment for treating these mood and attention disorders for over 25 years now.

Peace, and good luck with the trial. Keep us posted periodically over your success.
It really is a harmless drug, so I encourage you to try it. The only thing to look out for is that any amphetamine can have some slight addiction. Most dont worry about that, or let it control them, but its just something to remember if when you are ready to quit, you have slight urges. You just have to ignore that, and do what your mind is telling you to do.

This actually makes sense. I think it might help. I am going to consider taking it, after i have my hormones tested.

Anyone else try Ritalin to treat PFS ?

Too many ups and down, causes anxiety, in my experience.

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Does it help with libido though? I can live with anxiety. Having 0% libido for 4 years now has absolutely crushed me.

I’d also like to know if ritalin and other stimulants have helped others sexually. I’ve been prescribed stimulants for ADHD before but I resent the side effects (including restricted blood flow to penis, which makes them seem counter-productive to me.)

Ritalin causes so much vasoconstriction your dick shrivels up into a cold limp noodle. It’s well known in the add community that Ritalin makes it very difficult to get hard