Has anyone thought about the damage caused by high cortisol and low DHT?

Good morning,
I was thinking about the fact that when DHT drops our body notices after a while that the muscles are weakening so in response more cortisol is produced which is the consequence of the stress our body is subjected to. Cortisol increases to also cope with the growing inflammation due to the lower capacity of the muscles to withstand the effort and this also applies to the penis. When the DHT/Cortisol imbalance leans in favor of the latter for a long time the excess cortisol will degrade the muscle even more to respond to the inflammation and for this we will have a greater loss of muscle mass. This is why many recover by doing exercises (in a non-stressful way otherwise we would have more cortisol) that raise DHT and lower cortisol. Problems arise when this balance (DHT/Cortisol) is not re-established either because of the malfunctioning of the AR receptors or because of the response of the adrenal glands to stress… can anyone give me an opinion?? thanks

How did you come up with this theory?

Is it? How do you know? What evidence do we have that it’s possible to exercise pfs away? The answer is that we don’t have any. We do have some people getting better naturally and some who don’t and we have some people going to the gym who say that they feel better, while others say that the gym makes them worse.

Where’s the study that has measured effects of exercise on pfs patients? I mean something more than some annecdotes.

When I first signed up here, there was a lot of “you gotta lift heavy” advice, which seems to have been left behind now, but with time it emerged that some people who were promoting that view also A) never had PFS and B) were selling snake oil recovery plans that didn’t do much but make PFS patients poorer.

Sorry to be so negative, but there’s plenty of bullshit floating around from various “experts” out there. Try to not be suckered in.

By all means, try and live a healthy life. Exercise, go to the gym and listen to your body - if it makes you feel better, great. But a prescription for the gym is not a cure for pfs.

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io non lo so e non riesco a fare sforzi fisici le mie gambe sono molli, doloranti e cedevoli tutto il mio corpo in generale è debole. Sono d’accordo con te che molti che hanno scritto qui erano solo presi in alcuni casi da ansia e depressione e si sono sentiti colpiti dalla sindrome pur non essendolo, altri invece hanno fatto come dici tu speculazioni. Purtroppo io non sono fra queste due categorie… cosa ti ha aiutato???

Time and avoiding anything that might make things worse is all I can advise in good conscience.

sono poco più di tre mesi che ho smesso e perdo peso e muscoli ho dolori alle gambe e debolezza generale fatto tanti controlli ma nessuna diagnosi giovedì faro una TC Total Body ma vivo nella paura di avere qualcosa di molto grave …

This will not be easy. It is likely to be the hardest thing you deal with.

Prepare yourself not only for the worst, but for nothing to be found.

It will be difficult, but you can handle this and it can get better.

cosa può aiutare a gestire la situazione??? tu hai molta esperienza??