Has anyone tested undetectable levels of progesterone?


Earlier this week I had some results from an endocrinologist appointment.
I had suspected my progesterone levels would come back quite low for various reasons and they came back undetectable.

I hadn’t much sleep the night before the appointment and now wished I had have asked the Endo does he think the receptor could be blocked.

If it is blocked can it be unblocked?

The other angle I am working on is my adrenals are not great so perhaps supplementing on hydrocortisone to support them and I know progesterone is produced in the adrenals so maybe that would increase levels?

According to Melcangi pfs patients has undetectable PROG in CFS, but not in plasma. This is interesting

I think most people on here have high blood levels of progesterone

But doesn’t the Melgani study show low levels of allopregnanolone in the CFS which would translate to low levels of blood progesterone?

I have no idea what relations are between those blood levels. But I have those screenshots.

When I drink lot of alcohol the next day while having a hangover I feel great motivation and drive during day which I put down to alcohol increasing allopregnanolone

And as progesterone is needed for the synthesis of allopregnanolone I suspected my progesterone would be low. That was one of the reasons I suspected it would be low.

I don’t think low allo is due to blocked receptor. What does it even mean that receptor is blocked? Endos are specialists in measuring and administering hormones and wont help you with any receptor business. Why progesterone is not produced or converted to allo nobody know as I remember.

I had a very bad crash using Tribulus 18 months ago which initially gave me very elevated cortisol symptoms(I now have low 24 hr saliva cortisol)

As high cortisol can block the progesterone receptor I am now wondering if I permanently blocked it due to undetected levels of progesterone in my blood test or if my current low 24hr saliva cortisol which is basically adrenal fatigue means my burnt out adrenals cannot produce progesterone meaning it is not a receptor issue

I guess nobody knows. There was an old post quoting a doctor (shippen, jacobs or crisler perhaps, it was from a blog post) that blocked or not working 5ar can wear out adrenals (they produce more progesterone to make more allo, but can’t as 5ar is blocked or not working) so the eventually stop producing PROG at all. I don’t know how does this stand with Melcangi results, or if those results can be treated as picture of The PFS.
On my crash I have had very high cortisol probably, I wonder if this wore out not only adrenals but everything basically.

I think the adrenals are a key component to all of this

And while may not be the source of the problem, fixing them may help the body return to its old self again for some of us.

I don’t know if you saw a post on my story, but I was mentally literally almost fully recovered today, but took 1 rx gut relaxing pill (Mebeverini hydrochloridum aka duspatalin forte) to relive couple days worth of constipation (sorry for details) and my mood tanked in 30 minutes. I don’t know if I was recovered by daily alcar, vit d, e, k1, kefir combination or constipation itself (sound funny, but might be actually true).

So adrenals, gut, brain obviously and the whole nervous system are all (the obvoius) key components. Also how to ‘fix’ adrenals? There are no spare parts, I don’t think that any youtube tutorial on ‘5 easy steps to fix adrenals’ would help necessary.

I wonder if Melcangis rats have crashed allo and prog after cessation of fin too. ‘We’ could then look for the possible problems like even looking at adrenals under microscope I guess.

edit. After some research it seems like there isnt a lot of info on shere does most plasma prog come from in males. Also adrenal insufficiency os incurable from what I see.