HAs anyone taken Cabergoline?

Im interested in this drug as im having high prolaction and very low dopamine in blood test. But Im aware that this dopamine agonist could deregulate the dopamine receptors making the situation worde in the middle to long term.

So if you have been taking Cabergoline(Dostinex) for months and then giveup or continue the treatment, could you share your personal experiences?

Thank you

Hey …
Just to let you know I tried cabergoline as I had elevated prolactin… it really had no effect with me . It should cause a big increase in libido for a fully healthy individual and elevated prolactin can cause a decrease in libido. However, I should have experienced some degree of improvement if prolactin was the problem. Personally I regret taking any other medications that affect my hormone levels as I believe they may have caused a deterioration in my condition. After trying a few different medications and reading endless posts on this forum I believe a healthy lifestyle and time is our best chance at recovery. I am not going to take any further medications in case they cause further damage. This is just my opinion and my own experience. Hope it is helpful

Thank you for your comment.

Regarding your comment im visiting two doctors at the moment, one is telling me to do exercise, FUCK women and have a healthy lifestyle, and sincerely thats the way to go I think, also Im near 2 years after I quit the drug and I start somedays to feel like old me, especially if took care of what I eat (brocoli, no carbs, no sugar).

Also I have my ENDO who is directing me to take one dopamine agonist like carbegoline because my high prolactine (above range), Im thinking of giving it a try because nowdays my dopamine is just in the bottom of the range 11ng/dl (10-110) and dopamine has something to do with focus (that is something that im lacking since pfs conjuct with motivation) and is a antagonist of the prolactine so maybe carboligne could elevate it and I could give it a try. Im wondering if any of you guys that had a high prolactine have made some examination of your dopamine.

I think I could give it a try, I have 15 days to think about it.

I will probably will try to make it lower naturally, I know there are some ways of doing it.

no effect on me

What was your does and how long did you take it?

What drug did you take and where did you buy it?

Cabergoline has a very strong effect on Prolactine as far as I know.

It was a few years ago. Only tried it for a few weeks and used a research chemical. Cant remember dosage.