Has Anyone Successfully PCTd after running TRT/Steroids?

Five-year PSSD sufferer here. I originally started out with moderate symptoms; now, I’m a very severe case.

I wish I never took anything. There’s a good chance I may have recovered with time. Instead, I was a stupid 21-year-old kid who was panicking and found the PSSD forum, where the emphasis was on haphazard treatment.

One of my fatal mistakes was trying high-dose TRT and steroids (proviron and oxandrolone, specifically). I crashed – hard. I was bad already, but I entered a new realm of hell.

The first month of high-dose (200mg/wk) TRT, I felt much better in many respects – I had daily (and extreme strong) morning wood, hard erections, periods of decent libido, ability to feel more emotions (including lust, affection, etc.). No AIs or HCG were used.

When I added the DHT derivatives, I fucked myself majorly. I lost all benefits and developed a slew of new symptoms (cracking and painful joints, severe anhedonia, extreme blunting, extreme apathy, and the list goes on and on). I don’t know exactly what happened, but there are many parallels between crashed estrogen symptoms and those I’m (more permanently) experiencing.

Ever since this crash, I seem extremely sensitive to changes in hormones. Even Cialis/Viagra, which increase AR mRNAm, seem to worsen me.

I’ve been on TRT for over a year now. After crashing, I tried removing steroids, then when that didn’t provide relief, I started changing dosage (way too frequently, because again, I was in something of a panic). I was using cialis and viagra to maintain a relationship, but I eventually found out these were dramatically worsening my symptoms.

I’m absolutely directionless. I’m a shell of a person. I cannot do this much longer.

I’m obviously very shutdown, and manipulating my hormones (both dropping and raising) seems to create a shock in my endocrine system and worsen me. I suppose I’m stuck on TRT then.

For those who tried TRT, what was your experience on it, and how did your PCT go? What drugs did you use? What ancillaries were you taking while on TRT (AIs, HCG, steroids, etc.)?


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I’ve tried all sorts of hormone protocols and nothing worked. My guess as to why you crashed on proviron is that it’s a much stronger androgen than TRT and your receptors can’t handle it. I have the same exact issue.

I thought the affinity proviron’s affinity for the androgen receptor was less than or similar to that of T. Are you still on TRT or did you get off?

I tried naltraxone, clomid, nolvadex. All gave me huge pain in balls, prostate, nipples. Also taking away libido and swnsitivity

Last time I tried TRT was last year. I was on TRT/hcg/arimidex. I would stick on it if it had any benefits but for me I get zero benefits and actually feel worse.