Has anyone recovered from using TRT?

The topic title pretty much says it all…Has anyone recovered from finasteride using TRT? I am sure Ive heard of at least 4 or 5 from the old yahoo group. Is this correct?


I have only heard about Armyguy, and Im not sure if he had his symptoms from propecia.

Then there was mbf178, who supposedly got his T levels up by using HCG and Clomid, but I read later on meso, that his T levels dropped again (after 9 months off clomid). He also did not report of any symptoms other than bitchtits which he had removed. He did also talk about some steroid abuse in his past… Dr. John Chrisler also thinks he is fake, cause of some of his posts on meso claiming he is keeping his T levels at about 600 ng/dl with 25mg clomid a week…

Buttomline… I dont think anyone have recovered with TRT alone, cause I think there is a lot more to it than just T levels. Personally I think I have hypopituitary from propecia, and that means both low cortisol, low thyroid and low testosterone. (I did try both Clomid and TRT myself, without much success)

If this really was as simple as us just getting hypogonadism from propecia the it would have been a simple fix, and we would have heard a lot more succes stories.


I have been on TRT for 2 months… I am using testosterone cream and I can have sex now without a ed med… But sometimes I have to have an ed med… But I feel like I am getting better and its sticking