Has anyone had this same experience?

It’s been a while since I posted a non-PFS Network topic, so here goes!

This year I started telling my story very publicly, but strangely, I did not tell any of my closest friends until very recently. I was always very worried about the stigma, but I ended up telling my 8 closest friends and the reaction from them was very heartening. All of them responded positively and all watched my video.

One friend, however, told me that he had been experiencing sexual and physical symptoms as a result of taking Zoloft over 6 years ago! I was blown away. His symptoms were comparatively mild to many patients (low libido, inability to put on weight), but he had struggled with them for many years and told no one. I ended up saying to him “we are basically the same, just different severity”, and we spoke for over an hour about the links between PFS, PSSD and PAS.

I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? If anything, for me, it just showed that there are potentially many people out there suffering silently, at different levels, and perhaps not even associating it with a pharmaceutical drug.



Thanks for this Mitch. I speak openly and tell anyone who will listen which isn’t everyone tbh however I have come across 5 different people via word of mouth only who have suffered from PFS via fin one was via a family friend of a suicide case. Worryingly I’ve recently established there are only s handful of yellow cards sitting on the MHRA darabase. Sufferers aren’t reporting this disease which is damning for the cause. Unfortunately like many my friends couldn’t take the changes in me and simply abandoned me one by one. I think this is on a much greater scale considering how many years it took me to join up the dots. Theres the few celebs who are no longer with us who were on fin and obviously weren’t aware.

The problem is every party talk, nearly every privat after work conversation amoung people has something sexuall. Men talk about their sex experience. Women check the boys up. You can do that only to a few friends. Otherwise you will be the handycapted and the inner circle make the dirty talk without you. So it is really hard to out themself with sexuall problems, what the Mainstream Media talk about pfs pssri …I have the same Idea, the mother of my child and my last girlfriend are still informed.

But I know, there are some good old friends who understand whats going on with me. Many of them have are very sensible, some are not so fixed to sexuallity.

I’ve been preaching this quite a lot.

That PFS/PSSD are relativetely rare conditions is something we all agree upon, but I’m sure a lot of people struggle with these issues. Many, many more than we realize.

I mean, some people out there who wouldn’t even admit they’re on antidepressant, for the stigma. Let alone experiencing sides.

There are people who don’t realize they have symptoms;
there are people who can’t make the connection;
there are people who have symptoms but just learn how to cope with that and go on with life;
there are people who know they have PFS/PSSD, but they feel ashamed or are in denial.

And for what’s worth, I believe the first two cathegories I’ve mentioned are by far the largest.