A few years ago I was going through quite a lot emotionally and I felt like I just had to tell someone. So I had a talk with several very close friends that I feel 100% comfortable with (individually) about what I was going through. They were supportive. They asked some questions, the obligatory ones at first of course. In general they’ll try to solve your problem or offer a solution or ask some questions to make sure it’s not all in your mind. I did the best I could to answer those but also let them know this really isn’t something that I can prove to them or something they can solve.
I needed to tell someone as I’m pretty sure they were all wondering why I wasn’t dating anyone for years. I’d say it went about as well as can be expected. They all remember that we had these talks but i don’t think they totally remember the exact specifics. They just remember that I’m going through something that prevents me from being comfortable with dating. But they will generally forget the exact things you are telling them. It’s a complicated thing we’re dealing with. But in the end, I’m glad I said something, just to not feel alone about it.
I talk with my family about it as well some of the times, but as the years have gone by and as the sides have lessened I have felt less and less need to discuss it. I thought about talking to a therapist a few years ago but at the time my medical network was bombarded with people wanting individual sessions. All they could offer me within the next few months was a group session. Needless to say I was not in favor of that. I switched networks but eventually felt less need to talk about it, but i do totally wonder what they’d say about how to deal with what we’re going through. Is there a way to frame this that would make us feel better?
It’s actually one of my really close male friends that I told about this that is really pushing me to get into dating. I always assume like you do, why would anyone want to be with someone that has these issues? My friend always says just let whoever you’re dating decided that. I get hung up on not being as good looking at almost 40 now compared to a decade ago when this started and he says the same, “Don’t make those judgements about yourself, you don’t know what they’ll see in you, let them decide that.” Basically he’s just saying don’t let this stop me from trying. I know it’s easy to say when you’re not going through this but it’s not bad advice.