Has anyone been cured by Dr Crisler? Or by PCT/HPTA restart?

Has anyone gone to see Dr. Crisler and been cured? What does he proscribe? Just clomid 50mg/day?

Has anyone been cured with an HPTA restart protocol like HCG and then clomid? Or HCG and then clomid and nolvadex? Or HCG and then toremifene? Or triptorelin?

I found one story on a hairloss forum: baldtruthtalk.com/showthread.php?t=13709

My testosterone is 165 and my LH is 0.9

Very low for someone in their early twenties. I must have been in the high range before since until now I literarily have never been able to stop having sex/masturbating since age 11.

Everything else is normal. Mightn’t all my symptoms go away if I get my testosterone and gonadotropin levels back into the upper range through an HPTA restart?

Has anyone recovered this way and has bloodwork?

He claims some of his PFS patients have, but I dont think any have actually reported it here or on any other sites. Golf worked with him and was feeling better, but I do not think he claimed a recovery. I worked with him and he definitely helped with adrenal issues, but the restart and TRT programs did nothing.

about 2-3 years ago I was spending almost 8-9 hours daily surfing the net.I did not find a single case of PCT/HPTA restart. It is just a myth. I only found once case,if I am not forgetting, user “forty” or something like this on Messo. HE used PCT and claimed to have recovered but after few months (maybe six months later) he was back to square one.

No one can really claim anything they took really helped them because no one can be sure that they weren’t improving without whatever treatment they claim. For instance, after 1.5 years I am no doubt slowly getting better, I am now horny most days, think about sex all the time etc. I haven’t done a thing. Now what if I was doing TRT? You see I wouldn’t know how the syndrome progresses so I could very well come on this site and say " wow TRT is definitely helping, my testicles are fuller, penis is hanging fuller most days, libido is starting to shoot up etc. see the problem here. I wouldn’t be able to attribute anything to the TRT because I was going to improve with out it. All you people really need to keep this in mind. It’s called false positives. Why do you think people who have recovered almost have entirely different methods of how they got better? Gut treatment, no it’s fasting, nope it’s gym and testo boosting for five years, no it’s GABA, nope I recovered with HCT, nope I did with progesteone, nope it’s eating paleo diet and treating guy bacteria. At some point we have to put away our fears and gulibllility and start looking at this syndrome logically and rationally. And the first start should be to realize that no one really can offer proof why they have improved even if it correlates with a specific treatment. Otherwise you would have to believe me when I say oh you get better by avoiding TRT and doing nothing. And no one wants to believe that because it lacks the element of control. And we all desperately want control with this very uncontrollable syndrome

are you not using VitD3? I bet your improvement is because of VitD3. Just stop it for few days and then see where you go. I can not stop my VitD3 for 24 hours. I have to take every 4-5 hours.

Want to know the truth? Haven’t used it in several weeks to months and I am progressing upward

then count your self lucky. I can not live without VitD3,even can not stop it for 24 hours. have to take every 4-5 hours.

as you are healing please do
salivary and blood tests one right now and one once you feel fully recovered so that
we can see what lood values changed.

spstriken what is your opinion of this story?
