Has anyone gone to see Dr. Crisler and been cured? What does he proscribe? Just clomid 50mg/day?
Has anyone been cured with an HPTA restart protocol like HCG and then clomid? Or HCG and then clomid and nolvadex? Or HCG and then toremifene? Or triptorelin?
I found one story on a hairloss forum: baldtruthtalk.com/showthread.php?t=13709
My testosterone is 165 and my LH is 0.9
Very low for someone in their early twenties. I must have been in the high range before since until now I literarily have never been able to stop having sex/masturbating since age 11.
Everything else is normal. Mightn’t all my symptoms go away if I get my testosterone and gonadotropin levels back into the upper range through an HPTA restart?
Has anyone recovered this way and has bloodwork?