Has anyone ACTUALLY been successfully treated by Goldstein?

I need to know if he’s even worth the trip out to Cali during a pandemic

Thanks for your input in advance men

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lol don’t waste your money. Nobody knows anything about PFS



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Nobody was helped by him?

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There is no treatment currently it’s about trying to manage the symptoms which is a mine field not one of is the same. What helps one burns another. Some Drs are exploiting us the genuine will try to help but will be up front about this current medical dilemma


PFSer I used to hang out w when I lived in San Diego went to him and he was not able to help out. He performed some type of surgery on his penis (sclero-something) that did not help.

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So it sounds like this this guy is just grasping at straws while taking everyone’s money

It makes me wonder if he even really cares about the condition and the patients that go through it

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He’s well meaning. He also helped out a lot with providing documentation for the lawsuits.

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I can’t believe we go through this

Feeling extra low recently :man_facepalming:t2:

No matter how low you feel, don’t take it out on the doctors and/or researchers that are ‘on our side’ please. At least do your research before you slander someone on the internet. It’s not his fault that the exact mechanisms of PFS have not been found yet. He’s spoken out on PFS many times and called for research. There’s little else he can really do. Yes, it’s disheartening that the doctors can’t help but let’s not kick against their shins for the sake of venting. Especially if they are honest and openminded doctors who do their best.

Wasn’t my intention at all to slander or kick shins

It’s just immensely frustrating that this guys know they haven’t cured anyone and still charge a ton of cash for visits
Like Jacobs 600 for a visit initially
Then 1100…that’s wrong