It seems that a lot of members have tried TRT, they all seemed to have some form of success in the begining but then go downward. Has anybody ever had long term success?
Dustin did for the first year.
If I recall Golf, he had to take an extremely large dose for it to work. Which seems possibly unhealthy. I live in florida, and was thinking of taking the trip and putting out the money to go see Dr. Crisler. But I don’t really see any success stories when it comes to TRT with this problem. There seems to be more of a negative track record with this method of treatment.
Man…I just want to feel somewhat normal again. I’m also tired of having to piss all the damn time.
Dustin had to use cialis to get his dick up
I’m on TRT and I’ve recently boosted the weekly dose to 400mg/wk from 100mg/wk.There was an increase in libido and ejaculate quality but I’m still impotent unless I pop a pill(Viagra) along with the Test injections.I’m fed up and just want something to solve all the sexual issues.The answer is not in TRT alone…
Seems like having more dht in your system from supplementing with testosterone seems to help. But the fact that you still need viagra leaves to me believe that bloodflow is a major factor. Maybe nitric oxide and dht are connected somehow. But who the hell knows. Im tired of all the theories with no definite answer to the solution.
They are very much connected. There is research corroborating loss of DHT impairs Nitric Oxide synthase release in penile tissues, and who knows where else (since NO is also a neurotransmitter involved in learning, memory, and sleep).
viewtopic.php?p=18439#p18439 … 136/4/1495 … /4/363.pdf (note diagram pg 365)
Mental aspects:
How long have you been on 400mg/wk? It may take some time at the higher dosage for your body to realize more testosterone on a cellular level.
Also, how are you controlling estrogen? Are you getting any follow blood tests done? I think this is very important as well. Dr Crisler is the man for TRT replacement I think…
Also, are you taking test shots or Test. Gel? Test Gel does a better job in increasing DHT levels and better for sex performance from my understanding…
I wonder what would happen if you cycle trt? Its taken me a year to get to the terrible point I am today. At first I could still have sex, even though my erection was kinda weak. But I have seen the quality of it diminish every month. Until now, which is terrible.
Make me wonder though, why did I take so long to get to this point? Why did it not happen quicker. Did I have like a reserve of nitric oxide or dht that I am finally using up? What was left over after I used propecia?
I noticed that most on here that have tried trt, feel great at first but then crash and feel bad. What if you cycled trt? You would use it until you felt good and use the xtra amount in your system to try and build up nitric oxide/dht. You would then stop when you felt good and the counted the days until you starting to see things changing and then you would go on another cycle. You would be using test to build up nitric oxide and dht in your system. How long can nitric oxide stay in your system before you use it. I imagine you could build it up in your system, yes? no?
I only know what I have read, so I was just wondering this. Just seems odd that it took me so long to get to this point and that I could actually see me erection getting weaker and weaker over time. Seems like something was leaving my body that was not being replaced.
Or maybe I just depleted the enzymes I need for making dht/nitric oxide?
Seems that nitric oxide has a short half life, so it would not stay in your body for any long amount of time. How long is the half life for Type II 5alpha-reductase enzyme? Anybody know?
I had weird rushing dreams and insomnia when coming off and crashing, that and the physical changes to my cock plus other changes like dry skin on my face and mental aspects above perhaps make me think I am severely defecient in DHT or my body is not reacting to it at all anymore.
Anonnn…I’ve been on 400mg/wk of a Test Blend(4 different esters) for about 12 weeks now.As for E2 management I’m using 1/2 tab of Arimidex twice weekly(which I think might be lowering my libido???).Our issues go beyond regular bloodwork and even when the numbers are perfect…we don’t feel good sexually.
Another school of thought would to implement this into your TRT regimen.
1.)TRT Gel(Testogel or Androgel, whatever is better)has better DHT conversion ratio and absorption than injections
2.)Injections(maybe 150-250mg instead of 400 mg)
3.)Test blood results and see where you are at. Monitor estrogen, and use arimidex IF NEEDED.
Comebine both of these and see how you feel. The reason I say keep on taking injections is it will keep your testosterone level high if too much of the Gel is converting to DHT. Now you will benefit from High Testosterone and High DHT…Make sense?
Just trying to help.
nolongerthesame - My experience is similiar to yours, in that when I first came off fin I could still function with Cialis quite well for a long period of time, over a year. Since Cialis increases NO, and it no longer works very well then it seems that what Mew said makes the most sense, that DHT impairs Nitric Oxide synthase release in penile tissues. This seems to be a degenerative process for some of us after quiting. I’m sure Dr. Irwig is looking into this. I think his study right now is our best hope.
Is his study being done to confirm there a real problem with propecia and to finally get the problem documented and the medical community aware of the problem? Or is he also going to try and find the cause of the problem?
Badluck, besides sexual sides…what other symptoms have you developed after a while?
Why don’t you participate in the study? We need more people to participate…The more #'s, the better…If you don’t qualify that’s fine…but it’s aggrivating to see people who don’t bother showing any effort when there are a great deal of people on here who have suffered 8 + years and put alot of effort trying to find a resolution to this problem.
Badluck, besides sexual sides…what other symptoms have you developed after a while?
nolongerthesame - Initially moderate ED that was easily treated with Cialis, and low libido. That lasted for about 2 years. Then the Cialis started to lose it’s effectiveness. After about another year of stuggling with that I started to get some prostate aches, some shrinkage issues, and some dull aches in my penis. That has lasted about the last 8 months but now seems to be finally clearing up. I’ve also had some assorted visual issues about 2 1/2 years after fin, and some neuritis (tinggling) in my hands and feet. I believe all of this is fin related, but some of it may have been aggravated by things I’ve taken to try to get better.