Harvard+Baylor Recruiting Patients for PFS Clinical Studies

I asked them the other day. They said it will hopefully be submitted within the next few months and hopefully be published before the new year. They sounded optimistic it would all get done quickly and efficiently…

I wonder if thats how good researchers are at such an accomplished institution… its like its an on to the next study typa attitude…idk

that would be great though!

That is excellentt news Boston. If you have any further information about the specifics of the study it would be greatly appreciated, other than that we will just have to wait. I for one am very hopeful about these studies even if they don’t uncover the exact cause, these studies should result in future research which may uncover some answers. There is a root cause to this medical condition and peer reviewed scientific research the only real way of identifying it. It is frustrating waiting for these studies to be completed but that’s life.

Like everybody else here, I hope and pray that this study will reveal a solid lead as to the cause of PFS. I know that in reality it is the first study in what will amount to a longer line of research, but I have so much pinned on the success of this story. Its that glimmer of hope that keeps me going.

I flew there and did not qualify for the study. Its more for impotence sadly anything with orgasm issues is on the back burner. Partly because their is not much info on orgasms in general let alone why propecia causes orgasm issues.

Would it be an issue if you did not have a prescription while taking Propecia? Do they require proof that you took the drug? I ordered it from an overseas pharmacy like I’m sure many of you did here. I hope that is not a problem. Are they still accepting applicants or is it too late?

I am waiting for an update on this Harvard study.

Could someone clarify what qualifies a person for the Harvard study? I will phone them again if I get some money to travel there. They were unwilling to compensate me for travel when I contacted them months ago.

Call the number, it’s worth a few minute conversation to find out for sure. I believe one or maybe even both of the studies will support travel expenses but that is also worth checking. I’m speculating but I think things that may disqualify you would be if you used finasteride for BPH rather than hairloss, you are above a certain age (maybe 45), or you are currently on medication for prospective treatments. I’m sure it would be appreciated by many of us on the forum if you took 5 minutes or so to call Harvard and get the details.


I’m looking to travel to Boston in September 2014 to do the BRIGHAM study. Please would anybody be in a position to offer me a place to sleep for 4-5 days whilst I’m there?

I’m planning to fly from the UK on a Sunday to arrive in time to commence the study on the Monday morning, which should last Monday - Wednesday then fly home there after?

Let me know if you or anybody else can help me out.

Regards Paul

Sorry I’ve not posted anything about the study in Boston on the forum, but I think when I looked at the Boston research topic, the thread was locked. I don’t know where to post on this topic.

There’s not much to report on the study in Boston. They are trying to get this condition more attention in the worldwide medical community. The study included some record of many of my symptoms although insomnia or sleep trouble and body temperature were not part of this study. I think they are on the correct course, but no one knows what is really going on. Allen, the one conducting the study has studied endocrinology and his perspective on that area of human physiology is the same as my own in the most general sense. I left the study feeling good about what they are attempting to do at Brigham and Women’s, but still left on my own for any solutions in the near and long-term.

Because I am going to school soon, I am doing a fast. I am on day 5. However, my limitation is that I have no access to an infrared sauna, which would help in shedding fat, and other unwanted matter. I did not do a long fast prior to now because of the headaches and nasal pain fasting caused, but I am 5 days into this and I don’t think I will stop it until 14 days have passed. A two week fast was part of cdnuts’ recovery, so I am a little bit encouraged by that story and because I have used fasting in the past myself.

I might call about the Baylor study tomorrow.

Do you have an update for us how did your fast go

Has anyone had luck applying to these studies? I’ve sent an email out seeking enrollment in the Baylor study but have received nothing. Is this because they have everyone they need already? Any updates on progress?


Are the any therapists or doctors that can be recommended, in NYC and who are familiar with this issue.

Has anyone been submited to the Harvard Clinical Studies?

I’m Italian, i know that the Italian study of finasteride has a release date on the results, but Baylor and Harvard have been closed before, (in September 2015) eight months after possible that no one knows anything yet ? News on the results or at least on the release date ???

Thank you, for any news.


Same here. I’m dying to see results. Is there not at least some publication date? Usually the way science works is that you submit a paper for publication many months ahead of actual publication (as much as a year or so ahead), and then a publication date is set a few months later when the paper accepted. So I would think by now we would at least know a publication date.




It is likely that they have not discovered anything new or interesting then …
Or someone has put his little hand…

There’s no reason to assume they haven’t discovered anything new. As far as I can tell from this forum, the Harvard study hasn’t stopped. I don’t think the doctors will share much before an article is published. Stay positive but realistic.

a study about the bad effects of finasteride? No way the big pharmaceuticals will just let this happen. In my experience the medical world and the pharmaceutical world aren’t going to hurt each other.