Hard flaccid after ejaculation

I got hard flaccid upon ejaculation 7 days ago. Shrunk, really firm, not hanging like it used to be - pointing forward. But 10 mins later it returned to its normal state. It was indeed a scary experience so this week I abstained from ejaculation. But I couldn’t resist and I masturbated half an hour ago. Same thing happened. It did not shrunk this time but it was firm as hell, as if the entire organ was simply a bone.

What is this? Anyone else having this issue? Can this be related to prostatitis that I was diagnosed with? Or is this a bloodflow issue? Or peyronie’s? Any thoughts? I have an appointment with my Uro next Friday. I’d like to backup my claims with some sort of evidence/theories/studies/experiences etc provided from the people who experienced the same thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

You don’t have prostatitis. You have CPPS. The pelvic floor dysfunction is also causing your hard flaccid.

Most doctors are completely out of touch with neuromuscular issues. That is why a wastebasket diagnosis like “prostatitis” survived for so long.

How can you be so sure without even seeing me? The doctor did blood, semen and urine tests and he did that shitty prostate control and diagnosed me with prostatitis. You can’t be this sure without sticking your finger up in my anus, lol. I’m not a fan of any doctor after all the dickheads I’ve encountered recently but this shit can not be generalized so easily.

I don’t try to be a smartass here by the way. While I appreciate your input -I really do, believe me- and also agree with you that most people that have prostate problems could be being diagnosed with prostatitis right away, I have nearly all the typical symptoms of prostatitis.

Forgot to add, that hard flaccid thing, in my last experience, went away again after few minutes by the way but still I’d like to know why did I have that right upon ejaculation. Any help would be appreciated.

The medical community refers to CPPS as Type III b Prostatis even though it has nothing to do with the prostate or inflammation. You may very well have prostatitis (inflammation of the actual prostate), but it has been well established in recent years that most people diagnosed with prostatitis actually have neuromuscular dysfunction.

Hard flaccid is a neuromuscular problem. I don’t see how prostatitis could cause it.