I got hard flaccid upon ejaculation 7 days ago. Shrunk, really firm, not hanging like it used to be - pointing forward. But 10 mins later it returned to its normal state. It was indeed a scary experience so this week I abstained from ejaculation. But I couldn’t resist and I masturbated half an hour ago. Same thing happened. It did not shrunk this time but it was firm as hell, as if the entire organ was simply a bone.
What is this? Anyone else having this issue? Can this be related to prostatitis that I was diagnosed with? Or is this a bloodflow issue? Or peyronie’s? Any thoughts? I have an appointment with my Uro next Friday. I’d like to backup my claims with some sort of evidence/theories/studies/experiences etc provided from the people who experienced the same thing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.