Happy Holidays from the PFS Network


I assume its possible that part of the lack of traction on this post might be due to us feeling despondent or numb, as is typical of PFS.

I know that recently, although it crops up cyclically on the forum, there has also been frustration expressed at a lack of momentum regarding our condition. That might be part of the lack of traction, too.

However, it remains clear to me, especially when I look inwards and take stock of my own actions, that I have not done a lot or enough to forward the cause as of late.

I’m not running a foundation, or starting a Youtube channel, or conducting research, or scheduling interviews, or paying for the servers to keep this site alive, nor much else besides existing, precariously and with anxious uncertainty about which direction the next day or hour will set me towards.

It’s a humble gesture, but I see you, and I appreciate you. Thank you for all you’ve done so far.

We’ll figure this out, my friends.


Hope for your sake you are not still here in 2033 nine years from now as myself have been since 2015 and someone is still telling you then we will figure it out…


I wonder if we can get this PFS Network to help us out like the black fraternity in Revenge of the Nerds.

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I hope so for both of our sakes. It’s staggering to imagine how some people have been in this hell since finasteride first hit the market. Every one of us deserve to get out.

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Ho Ho Ho Merry christmas! Can Santa give me back the maybe 2 years at this point I lost to this garbage? I’ve lost track of time. Also Santa I want the money I spent I don’t even want to look at the amount of back too so I can spend it on things that actually get me somewhere in life instead of trying to get my brain, dick, and immune system to function at something resembling a livable baseline again.


Yes guys we are doing the best we can…I feel like I contributed something by donating to both organizations, participating in 23andme genetic project and also the Tampre university study…

Also I’ve noticed alot of misinformation floating around now and quite a bit over on the finasteride sub reddit people are being given absolutely horrible advice over there…



Basically what’s happening to us I believe notice Urbanucci is one of the authors