I started a new vitamin regiment last month and at first I thought it was making me worse because I started losing all this weight and was making me super paranoid with anxiety. But on Tuesday of last week I felt a weird change…I could barely sleep that night and woke up pretty decently. By Thursday I had still not slept but when I woke up I almost cried. My skin was tight, muscle tone and shape was back, and I could get erections on thought alone! My hearing got so much better it’s amazing how many little precise sounds I was missing, so did my vision, my skin tone and texture/thickness, body temperature was back up and I wasn’t freezing all the time, no “popping” or cracking bones/joints/tendons, cleared up my leaky gut, al last every single side effect I had was miraculously gone. Had a dentist appointment Thursday and Friday, so I stopped taking everything I stopped taking everything on that Thursday based out of sheer nervousness I’d crash back if I kept taking them. It’s a week since I notice any improvement and 5 days since stopping all vitamins and supplements and almost all my symptoms are back or partially back. I have a Dr appointment today and wanted to ask for some blood work and then start back up on them.
These are the vitamins and products I took during the month of November and first few days of December:
B2 Riboflavin - amazon.com/Solgar-Vitamin-R … riboflavin
B6 Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (P5P) - amazon.com/Thorne-Research- … +p5p&psc=1
B9 Folate (as metafolin) - amazon.com/Folate-800-Metaf … +metafolin
B12 Methylcobalamin - amazon.com/Solgar-Methylcob … 171XM&th=1
Vitamin D - amazon.com/Solgar-Vitamin-C … +vitamin+d
Vitamin E - amazon.com/gp/product/B0001 … =UTF8&th=1
Magnesium Oxide - amazon.com/Healthcare-Mag-O … =magox+400
Zinc Picolinate - amazon.com/Solgar-Zinc-Pico … Bzinc&th=1
Another thing I can say I take everyday is about 100mg of edible cannibas, not sure if this lead to any improvements but I have been taking it for a few years to help with depression and anxiety. I used to come here years ago but stayed away for 3 years because it made my anxiety worsen. I’ve been feeling my PFS effects everyday for 6 years and this 4 day span I had was more emotions and the most I’ve felt alive since the day I took saw palmetto and fin. Anyway I wonder if I hadn’t stopped taking my vitamin regimen if I would still be recovered? Does it sound like I’ve had a “crash”?
My original theory for this recovery method was to use methyl b vitamins in the most bioavailable form and then add some collagen peptides and weightlifting. After thanksgiving here in the state I started lowering the vitamin e to every 3 days, and the p5p to every other day, the riboflavin every 3 days and the zinc I have have always taken once a week (done this before the regimen).
My new theory is that by possibly working on your methylation system (bioavailable b vitamins) with an AI (Vitamin e mixed with all tocopherols) can possibly reverse symptoms. I didn’t know at first at all that that specific type of vitamin E with all mixed tocopherols was an AI (dumb by me). But when researching I read that that kind of vitamin E is an aromatase inhibitor BUT does not inhibit 5ar types 1 or 2, unlike other AIs. Am I onto something? Anyone tried this or something similar? Has this theory already been debunked?