I got some pretty bad side-effects after taking only 3 finasteride pills in 2012.
They have mostly resolved over time while doing a Ray Peat diet.
There are good outlines out there, just google it. Read the Ray Peat forum. raypeatforum.com You can ask people there for help.
It would basically be like this, daily:
- 1 quart orange juice
- 1 quart milk
- coffee
- add sugar to milk and coffee at will, sugar is actually good for you
- beef liver (for the vitamin a)
- coconut oil (I think Peat recommends three or four teaspoons but I take more than that)
- add salt to everything; salt too is actually good for you
- some muscle meat, like a steak
- white rice or potatoes
- a raw carrot
Affordable. Easy.
Another major Peat tenet is avoiding PUFAs.This means avoid all vegetable oils except olive oil (in moderation), nuts, avocado. Use butter or coconut oil to cook. Also avoid gluten, avoid “whole-grain” foods (actually bad for digestion, and digestion is key for a functioning metabolism). This means don’t eat out often, most food nowadays is cooked with PUFA oils (sunflower oil, corn oil, soy oil, it’s all absolutely toxic).
Important supplements:
- vit d
- vit k2 mk4
- cyproheptadine (this one is potent stuff. Miraculous. I bet it alone could cure some of you guys’ PFS)
- aspirin
This is my amateur outline. There are better outlines out there. Please try it out, guys. I’m sure some of you will see significant benefits if you try it.