Guys I'm scared please help

Guys please help… I’m really fucking scared right now. The past 7 weeks, I felt like I was improving very slowly, little by little. I felt like my sleep especially was improving a little bit. I was only waking up once and could go back to sleep very quickly. My rapid heart rate also improved, it had slowed down.

But suddenly a couple days ago I noticed the sleep got worse. Then yesterday night, I crashed out of nowhere. I developed imsomnia again, woke up multiple times a night. I also had several nightmares between each waking.

Now today and I feel terrible. I can’t even breathe. I lost my appetite completely. My fatigue is so extreme that I’m out of breath just typing this. I tried doing dishes and even standing for more than a minute made me out of breath. And my heartbeat got worse again. It is now consistently over 110. Right now it’s 113. It’s like I’m back to the first crash and all the progress I made is gone. I actually feel worse.

guys please I’m fucking scared. I feel like I’m gonna actually die. I don’t know what to fucking do anymore.

That sounds terrible @zzz123, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this worsening fluctuation in your symptoms. From my own experience, this oftentimes seems to be par for the course with PFS. When things really go to shit again, you have to remind yourself that just as it can go downhill randomly, things do improve from there too. Sometimes it can take a day, sometimes a few weeks but getting back to baseline is something which I think most PFS patients are familiar with. Please try to remember that, even though it’s difficult to when you’re in a bad downswing.


@zzz123 that sounds like anxiety to me. Try talking to your family to get your mind off this for a bit, or try meditation.

I know you said things were getting better than all of sudden regressed, this could be your mind still has lingering thoughts, it happens to me as well.

Be calm and do nothing. Youll probably be fine again

Man I know it’s super-hard but you have to be strong. All of those symptoms are due to the imbalances on your body and will be resolved when you get trough the most difficult times.

I suggest that you dont try to follow any risky protocol at this point. The time for these protocols is coming later. You just have to fight day by day. And when things are worse I know the fight is hour by hour. Concentrate on very healty eating although you are not hungry.
And if you have any energy left on your body, try to take long easy walks, preferrably on the nature. You dont want to stress your body more at this point with anything extra, you have to give your body more time to stabilise.

We need you here to fight this with us, after you get trough these most difficult times, things will get better!

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are you feeling stressed out by things in your life recently??
my jop is difficult and stressful which makes similer symstoms to yours, but when i dont have a jop for a week or more, the symstoms become better and i could sleep well, manage your stress

Hey man sorry to hear you’re feeling bad. Can you see a family member tomorrow? I perfectly understand how you feel. But I’m sure it will get better. Maybe watch something on YouTube that is easy entertainment or try to breathe in and breathe out deeply 10-20 times until you feel a little bit better. We’re here for you and you won’t be alone.

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Everything you have said has been told to PFS patients time and time again by doctors since before PFS was even recognized. Considering you don’t have PFS yourself, nothing you have said has any merit for making a PFS sufferer feel better.

Along with the slip about PFS being real for “some” people… Just no.


@YourHero you must have a sadder life than ppl affected if on a Saturday night u made an account after lurking on a forum like this. Are you for real? Gtfo and mods get this loser out


I think you actually may be trying to be helpful here, even if it is misguided, but you should be aware the PFS can cause crippling anxiety and swings in other neuropsychiatric symptoms in addition to stretches of insomnia. It has happened to me. It’s still strange to me that you monitor Propecia Help when you’ve never even taken the drug though.

To the OP, I am very sorry to hear you are suffering and I agree that you have to remain strong. For me, at least, these episodes have stabilized over time although it may take a while. If you haven’t done so already, I strongly suggest going to see a doctor to get a check up. There are some medications that can calm your nervous system down like beta blockers or benzos which you may want to consider to alleviate your suffering in the short term. I know guys on here are totally against any drug now, but I have found those two particularly helpful in moderation during periods of instability. In a best case scenario, visiting a doctor may reveal other causes to your problems now that can be treated.

That’s exactly what it is! Great vocab word man

As previously mentioned, you’ve got imbalances that needs adjusting, you sound identical to my first and second crash, I was in this state for a long time, but I’m here 8-9 months later feeling really good. I’m not even going to bother with telling you what to do, because propeciahelp believes it’s permanent and busts out a lot of broscience and backs eachother up on those so called bioscience, but hang on tight, going to suck for a while but you’ll get better. :slight_smile:


Honestly, saying it’s as simple as anxiety is a slight underestimation of PFS. Never in my life did I experience anxiety until I took one pill of that shit, your body would be in a restless state for a prolonged duration of time, you can’t sleep, you wake up 6-7 times per night if you even manage to, but yeah. Ride it out man


Yeah, fair enough. Was told the same shit, anxiety. Everything your experiencing is due to anxiety, but obviously that’s the generic response since they haven’t actually got a clue on to what a potent DHT blocker can do

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The difference is, everyone experiences difference sides, my body went numb, so did my dick, my prostate went numb, couldn’t take a shiet, I don’t want to repeat myself, but saying it’s anxiety related is a bit excessive, if anything, yes. You’ll get anxiety due to the chemical imbalance you’ve wrecked upon your body,

One thing is certain though, if a person has a prior background with any sorts of anxiety, I’m sure they’ll have self-induced side-effects :slight_smile:

Have you tried breathing exercises for anxiety and is it at all possible that you have an ear clogged with wax? Breathing exercises work very well for me at relieving anxiety and I went deaf in one ear from back up wax. Went to doctor and she unclogged it.