I dont kno …I just finished reading the neew stuff
3000 genes affected!!!
Man how exactly are they going to solve this
it is like playing wack a mole I am not holding hope at all
are we really expecting them to create a pill to fix this? No man it wont happen as most everything relating to steroids and androgen receptors was invented last century.
meaning if there was to be a cure it is already there. I just dont see this research yielding anything man i just dont see it. WHy dont they recruit 100 volunteers from here to go and try different therapies right now I would pay good money we could sign forms saying we take all risks I am sure many would sign up and pay. But you asking me to pay for some scientist working on a very mechanistic abstract level that will yield zero new treatments in the next decade. They already have enough information start TREATMENT now. Besides most scientist including doctors, urologists and endcronologist have very very little knowledge of anabolic steroids. A random youtuber like derek knows more than most of them so do most bodybuilders and thats sad.
Let me tell you man I see guys in the gym all on juice…they buy steroids from random online lab and they inject it yet they are 1000% healthier than I am they look vibrant and functional I am sure their D function semi normally compared to us. ANd I took a pill from a doctor that is FDA approved I dont know man i am past the point of no return.I look at the next guy on roids, massive confident meanwhile me who worked out natural my whole life never drink never smoke weed yet I am castrated with half a dik and a DAD BOD with man boobs yet i workout 2 hours daily with good diet. Even if they drop dead at 50 thats a good tradeoff in my books in my current situation
You want to affect gene expression then anabolic steroids will do. and I m not gonna do no standard trt i was reading a lot…i iwll go proper cycle. wish me luck bro.