Gut bacteria linked to Nervous System

Do you guys relate anything from this article to PFS.


I’ve been reading into this a lot and self experimenting. Gut remains to be the determining factor in my case. I’ve tried various other manipulations but always wind up with the gut being in the center of this whole ordeal.

That said, gut function can be a cause and a consequence, so sort of two way street. Certain Probiotics and antibiotics produced significant effects for me, alas temporarily.


I can’t find saw palmetto :'c

I took an antidepressant and it cleared up all gut issues I was having within a week. That tells me my gut issues are neurological. My body doesnt produce a group or one neuron anymore, or there has been damage to a system responsible for making them. When I stopped taking the antidepressant my gut issues came back


What antidepressant were you on @betweenjobs ? It’s widely believed that Serotonin governs colonic motility and 90% of body Serotonin happens to be in the gut. Those with constipation/SIBO are prescribed Serotonin receptors 5HT3 and 5HT4 agonists as a treatment. Serotonin also is a mood regulator. Dopamine, on the other hand, is said to slow down gut motility. I’ve noted this very effect when I’m on Tyrosine and L-Dopa (DA precursor). Serotonin in the gut is made by bacterial strains and this is probably why certain Probiotics may help for relieving constipation. Then there’s this Vagus nerve that links gut to the brain. It’s way too complex but I see where you coming from. If I were to have my gut microbiome analyzed, I’m certain there will be abnormalities in form of dysbiosis.
Some useful links below.

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Ey doomed have you find relief in your symptoms in any of your trials?

Strangely, in one of my trials with Rifaximin to help with a bad case of IBS-C followed by BioGaia probiotic, I had complete remission in both IBS and PFS. Unfortunately, some symptoms returned yet with a lesser extent. Other times, I just resort to taking precursors (Tyrosine, L-Dopa & 5-HTP) to neurotransmitters Dopamine & Serotonin and it works (better libido, motivation, well-being, & better digestion).

I was reading about how antibiotics change gut bacterial makeup and lead to reduced diversity and extinction of some species. It appears that different antibiotics do that by creating niches for certain bacterial strains to become dominant. It’s also said it could take up to 6 months for gut to recover. Can’t help but wonder if faecal matter transplant from a super healthy donor could restore diversity and lost species. I’m experimenting with E. Coli Nissle 1917 probiotic and eating high fiber diet for now. Let’s see how this goes.

That’s the problem with some of these disease processes that might have microbial involvement,
From Parkinsons to MS to Alzheimer’s. Even if they discover the exact offending microbes or causes of shifts that might induce disease, they dont know how to stop it. Even if you eliminate the offending bacteria (which they have actually looked into Crispr for this), a chain of events has already taken place.


Often when I get nervous I have to go to the toilet with diarrhea. How can my stomach be this sensitive?

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