Growth Hormone

Has anyone here tried using Growth Hormone ?

The last blood test I had done showed everything was fine except my levels of Growth Hormone.

i already also have made a threaf about growth hormone. arent you suffering bone loss aswell… im going insane over devastated because of how i look now.

the only hope i have comes from the acromegaly… anyways.

ive read a thread of a guy who recovered with growth hormone, but ill let my own body do the work. cheers

Yes I also have bone loss. But I dont believe its permanent because the bone in my jaw gets bigger then gets smaller again. Its the same with my arms they have got a lot smaller but on a few occasions they got close to being normal size again.

My arms are still smaller than they should be but not as small as they have been in the past.

As I said once we find the root cause I believe all this is reversible.

are you talking about your facial bones too? are they seriously growing and shrinking ?

if that was true, this would mean a lot, but i can hardly believe it to be honest. my bones only are continously shrinking… i look so much more childish now… people are starting to think im going to school still. i have lost a layer of bone… 2millimetres thick in my face… not my forehead though
as i write this my cheekbones are hurting ;(

Yes it goes in cycles. My jaw bone does get thicker and then it thins out again. But even when it gets bigger it is still along way from its original size.

do you still have facial pain too?

No but sometimes my jaw feels so weak that it will break if any sort of force was put on it.

@notna – do you remember which user it was who used HGH in his recovery regimen?

My doctor suggested a trial with low dose HGH for me. From what I can tell, it could help with symptoms related to muscle wastage, face-wastage (which is particularly bad in my case), energy, and general well-being. But as you can imagine, after fin, taking any kind of medication (especially for off-label purposes) scares the shit out of me.

Hi MerryChristmas,

Do you know how much HGH costs ? I heard its very expensive.

Im trying an expensive hgh supplement. Useless so far as expectted. Not sure how much more money im willing to waste. Id be willing to try the real thing though,

What supplement are you taking?

@Mark – HGH treatments sets you back several hundred dollars per month, at least. (I haven’t bought it yet, so can’t tell the exact price).

To boost HGH, instead of taking an expensive drug, just do intermittent fasting and go to the gym while fasted: … asting.php