Great results with TRT

That is weird. I examined my labs over the last 8 years and when I took fin my estrogen steadily declined over the years. My T initially went up but then slowly dropped a little but not enough to explain the low E. To this day multiple doctors are baffled at why I suddenly stopped converting to E. The good news is I can rake higher doses of T without having crazy E levels. I never baselines my DHT

Might be high SHBG. The SHBG binds not just testosterone, but Estradiol, and DHT as well. If you have more SHBG circulating, you’ll have less Estradiol.

Probably is. Even more so on an earlier test I had where total test was high (like 1100+) and free test was STILL below the lower lower limit for normal. I didn’t get anything else tested that time though so didn’t have a ton to go on

I’ve read that SHBG is inverse to insulin? With the amount of sugar/carbs I eat now, that would also make sense why free is/was low despite total being normal or high depending on which test I go by.

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I think many of us in the forum have elevated SHBG. Mine was 59, and I’ve seen much higher. I know that insulin/carbs are inversely proportionate to SHBG, but I still think something is raising our levels regardless of diet.

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Perhaps a DHEA supplement will help to reduce SHBG?

Have you tried test ?

Kind of. I’m trying cycling HCG right now. Think I’m going to do 2 weeks on and off 2 weeks and see what happens. Have seen some others have luck with doing similar with Clomid but I really don’t want to mess with that stuff if I can help it. Not taking a lot, 750 IU’s a week basically. So we’ll see

I’m about a week in and had some crazy morning wood this morning and my balls almost have that “need sex really bad because I almost have blue balls” feeling. It feels good, lol

Thinking about starting my own thread to keep a diary of sorts.


Please do

I haven’t. I’m currently at 700 for total testosterone with free T right down the middle. I’m afraid of trying test because it might not be the answer to my problems, and I might just end up shutting myself down.

That’s why I kind of leaned towards HCG, at least it doesn’t turn my balls off totally… and my free test was really low, so I’m hoping this will bring that up some. We will see I guess.

Yeah bro please do, you’ve actually seen improvements ?!

I just made a thread on my history.

It’s so subjective. I felt happier, stronger, stronger erections while on HCG, but sensitivity was the same. During the time I stopped taking it, a lot of that went away but sensitivity got better, so I decided to try another on/off cycle to see what happens. I’m on now… and starting to get the strong/happy feeling back but it’s too soon to say any more than that.

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Never tried testosterone tho? And that’s still interesting tho, keep us updated :slight_smile:

Not directly, no. I have access to it but never tried it unless you count proviron which was not good at all.

Also worried me that it could affect fertility and I’ll be trying for kids in the next year or two. I know most do clomid/hcg to get everything working again and it’s fine but I still don’t really love the idea of my balls shutting down for a while if I can help it

How you doing 8 days later?

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Me? Good. Check my diary thread. I’ve been doing daily updates.

I feel pretty good right now actually. Libido has been crazy the last 24 hours. This week is my off HCG part of the cycle I’m trying

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So just testos?

HCG, not straight test

Hi man
I know this is from s while ago but to answer your question or concerns
You taking Proviron probably knocked your Estrogen down to nothing and that from I’m told can effect sensitivity
If E is too high or too low
As per the bodybuilding forums

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Yep, figured that out at some point along the way… my E2 was single digits and Proviron was only making things worse… it was very very low and the symptoms matched very well to low E2. My free T was also very very low.

I’ve probably gotten to 60-70% better and seem to be improving further now that I am on a stable dose. I am on 180mg/week of testosterone.