Got my libido back but still ED anyone

Has anyone else experience the same thing? b

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I don’t have any experience but I think you should get to a urologist ASAP to complete your recovery. Get an ultrasound for your dick to see what exactly is up. You can also look into daily Cialis and dick pumping or even shockwave therapy to heal your penis.

Treatment of ED is depressingly simple. Most andrologists are trained to try oral drugs, followed by injections, and finally a penile implant, in that order. Once the transition is made to injections it becomes worthwhile to have a doctor that is familiar with their various forms.

The primary diagnostic utility of a Doppler ultrasound is in determining whether the penis’ vascular structure is damaged enough to warrant an implant - a precaution because the surgical process is not reversible. If drugs work, one is typically not indicated.

Pumping or vascular reconstruction surgeries are not proven to be of any use in resolving ED. There is limited evidence for the short term effectiveness focused shockwave therapies, but the equipment required is very rare and expensive (most men’s clinics who advertise shockwave use cheaper radial shockwave devices that aren’t proven to work).


I also have that issue

I hear what ur saying

For a while I was searching for the proper shockwave machines and they are in fact out there

But they’re few and far between and while the literature says they work nobody or maybe a very very small number of guys have tried it

So we just don’t know

Have there been any real success stories with say
PRP shot and/or shockwave?

That will do NOTHING for libido

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In an indirect way it might

True it doesn’t address libido BUT if your libido is low because of anxiety and depression from those other symptoms then it might work

But of course that would have to be the reason for the low libido

Well yeah but OP said he already got his libido back

Hi, how you got your libido back?


Not sure

I also got libido back but still have ED

I experienced this stage about a year ago. Unfortunately, I lost my libido after that.

Hey, how you got your libido back?

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