So its pretty simple…i notice that when i eat small piece of meat before bed like just a few bites of meat that i would have erection, nocturnal or morning one or both, that was happening every time and never fail…so one day i dicided to eat small meals all day 25g of protein doing carnivore and same amount of fat that was about 300 cal…six meals… next morning i got herpes on my lip first time after 5 years, generaly before accutane i had it every year, this is first time on my lip, i would normaly get one on my nose…seems that undigestion cause autoimmune and seems that this low amount of food didnt trigger any, witch lead immune system to back off… i eat every 2 hours i believe, and for erection to happen that didnt seems to work that good…what did, was to leave more space like 4 hours and than last meal to be like that 25g of protein or 20 g and it was happening with out mistake, tried this too many times it never failed…its hard to hit calories cause meals are supper small…need to raise fat and try 25g of protein and 50 g of fat and see then, if its just too much protein a problem to digestion…if someone can try this would be nice.
what i writed here is interesting, recovered morning wood on larger zinc does 50 plus gr…i went all to 100gr.for morning wood acctualy to happen u also need to wake up between 7 and 8 in the morning…eating beef liver will make sure not to develep copper deffcienty on this large doseges…so the last small meal didnt aplly here as long there was adecuate zinc i had morning wood…spontenious erections are no go since fibrosis. Also i can eat carbs now with out bloating im still taking supplement but before i couldnt do it even with supp added zinc carnosin blend that help a lot… and still on betain hcl plus peppsin, now brend, some othere betaine i had was shit and didnt do shit also was with out pepsine maybe that was a difference…