I first quitted propecia, because I noticed my erection getting weaker. After, I quit, my erection was a bit weaker…but I had a libido and was still able to have decent sex. Now foward about 10 months, and my erection is horrible and I have no libido. I could actually notice my erection geting weaker and weaker as time went by. It’s as if something was being blocked in my body or my DHT was slowly dying. ( also had prostate issues ).
What’s weird is when I first saw the doctor, in the begining of all this when things were better, he took my Prolactin. It was fine. I took it again about a month ago and it was high, so they sent me to do a scan of my brain and it was fine. The doc then took another test for my prolactin, it was on the high side, but in range. I also notice that I don’t lose weight like I use to, and I seem to put it on faster. I use to have a quick metabolism, but that does not seem to be the case anymore. I also noticed that my scrotum does not seem to regulate temp correctly. Sometimes, when it’s hot outside, it’s still close and tight to my body…not hanging away like it should. I was taking lexapro the same time I was taking propecia, but quit it the same time. I wonder if the lexapro may have lowered my dopimine levels? The doctor is currenty checking my Cortisol levels and reverse t3.
I’ve also noticed my joints pop a lot, they never did this before propecia. I read that joints have nitrogen gas in them. I wonder if the popping now has something to do with lower amounts of nitric oxide in my body, due to lower DHT. But, knowbody on here seems to have a problem with popping joints.
I’ve been really depressed lately, and I feel bad putting my wife through all this. If I can’t get 100% better that’s fine, I just wish I could find something that could improve my situation, instead of it getting worse.