Getting off of TRT

For me the topical T is better than the injectible T. T converts to DHT and estradiol in the skin much more than in muscle. We need a balance of ALL these hormones to get the full positive effect from T.

I know that a lot of bodybuilder bros inject T into their muscles and use huge amounts and high doses, but this PFS disorder is not just a matter of not enough T or “trying to get lots of T dude so we can be huge”. It is an entire hormonal endocrine thing.

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Albumin binds weakly from what I’ve read. The best situation to be in seems to be like NCSU’s or maybe also low LH/FSH/T that could respond to a restart.

Where thinks seem to get quite dicey is when you have all the symptoms of hypogonadism but with nothing that is obviously a major problem.


So sad to see people talking about Tribulus in this thread. No good research done on our problem, everyone wants to believe a magical herb exists that will fix everything. Anyone says anything and there’s always a response “Have you tried Tribulus?” “Tribulus is supposed to do xyz”

But then if you look for a single person who has actually benefited from Tribulus you won’t find one. Not in 10-15 years of this. Not even one who thought he did from placebo effect.

Ten years from now people will still be giving the great recommendation: “Have you tried Tribulus???” And not a single person will have benefitted from it. “But the Internet said it does XYZ.” They’ll say.

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I took TRT for 3 years and felt the same coming off as I always did before and after: The same. Blood levels of 300 I felt the same as blood levels 900. Don’t worry about. Just come off the stuff. It doesn’t work for us. We are blind to it.


That is the same conclusion I am coming to, as you @vkg1: no matter how much T I take, and no matter how the numbers go up on a blood test result, I don’t feel fully better, and I am not fully functional. Thus I do believe that something is broken in us vis-a-vis the androgen receptor, either it’s functioning or the number of them or something that has changed its genetic code.

I also am very skeptical of herbs and vitamins and minerals and amino acids and supplements–it seems to give a lot of people hope. So there is that.

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Did you guys try the testosterone cream or injections?

It doesn’t matter. If you have PFS then TRT doesn’t help. If you want to try it then go ahead, but if it works then it means you don’t have PFS but rather just had low Testosterone, which is a much more common health problem than PFS.

This blanket statement is untrue. There are several reports of PFS patients benefiting from TRT.

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This was done in April last year. I later used clomid but it didn’t work…

I have been benefitted from both replacement T as well as clomiphene. Both are not a perfect cure. But when I take these two things, I have to take not too much nor too little, it’s a process.

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Are you saying you know what PFS is as well as who has it and who doesn’t? Of course TRT works for people who have hypogonadism rather than PFS. PFS is by definition something that isn’t mere hypogonadism. It’s something that gives us all these problems in spite of normal blood hormone levels. The purpose of TRT is to raise T levels to normal.

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I thought I benefitted initially, but in retrospect it was probably placebo effect. In fact, I thought I was benefitting for about 3 years. Then when I came off I realized I hadn’t been. Everything really was always the same.

I felt the same way unfortunately
I did have improvements but only with a lot of T and Masteron
500-1000 mg of T a week. I should’ve felt like the hulk all the time. But I didn’t
I believe the Masteron really was the key but ehonthe he’ll knows
I did gain muscle and density
Just not at all what you’d expect and I was using good stuff
Sexually it did help again only with using a lot and also working out
My libido went pretty high I suppose
I think it took to just under where I’d normally be had I not taken this poison
Of course I used PDE5’s

There may be a placebo effect to any treatment any may take–I think it is more so when someone takes an unproven and untestable supplement or vitamin or diet or herb. But we can and do get good results and good feelings from both the placebo effect AND for many people a biological change that is measurable from tweaking and optimizing the levels of different hormones. I have been calling it Goldilocks and the 3 Bears—there is a “just right” or “sweet spot” that can give some relief and give some functioning back, IME.

What is Masteron?

It’s a steroid DHT derivative it also inhibits estrogen if I’m not mistaken

Are you claiming that all of those who benefited from TRT didn’t have PFS?

DHT and its derivatives do not aromatize, so therefore you end up with less estrogen overall.

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Where are all these people here who have benefited from TRT and if they exist what makes you think they have PFS rather than the probably several thousand times more prevalent hypogonadism?

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Ok but the prevailing indications and theory on what PFS is right now hold that our issue is with local synthesis of hormones via 5ar. If PFS exists and is related to the function of 5ar, then no amount of blood Testosterone can ever make us able to produce those hormones again, because they are local, rather than circulated through blood, many even behind blood brain barrier.