germans blood test


I’ve checked three blood tests - here are the results:

3a diol G - 1244 ng / dl - Range 250-700
Estradiol - 16 ng / L - Range <40
Vitamin D 3 - 7 - Range 60-60

At 3a diol G I do not understand the ranking - it would not be allowed to 340-2200 ng /dl!?

Vitamin D3 is naturally very low …

I have applied in the fall finasterid twice.

Generally, I must say that I’m getting better - I have some globuli (pellets) taken. Does anyone have experience with this? As before, however, I have lost some weight / muscle power, the penis is still relatively small and not the libido as big as before - but overall better than a few weeks …


wowwwww thats awfully low!

What was your libido from 1 to 10 before you took finasteride. And what is it now?

Hello vincentv,

bevor it was 10 (high), now it is 2 - 4 (low)…
