gene therapy topic

I would like to make sure that everyone in this forum is fully aware of recent developments in gene therapy in Europe. This may have implications for us in the future (hopefully before we develop more problems related to the prostate, muscle, memory, or other brain function).

I don’t believe it will be much longer until this treatment branches out to include therapies for various enzyme deficiencies, but it would be a good idea to make contact with some labs in Europe or associated physicians so that someone, somewhere knows that we have a need which COULD be treated by the correct gene therapy formulation.

A gene therapy forum:

see also:

have you contacted any lab?I just read today about JT and was very excited but it has some comlecations and hurdles to come over.


Thanks for posting this.
Gene therapy may be something that we need in the future I’ve read something about gene expression here…but maybe this isnt exactly the right thing

Nice to see something positive after the projects for this fall were cancelled. Good to see science is moving forward on these types of therapies.

What was cancelled?

The epigenetics study had been scheduled for Q3.

i think it may have been pushed back is all. i think they hit bumps in the road and have to sort of deal with these bumps as they come. i think awor and his team will cover all of the bases the best they can, it may just take longer than originally expected. i think we are doing good guys. stay strong, it can only get better.

No, I’ve not contacted any labs in Europe. I don’t know how widespread this gene therapy will be used, but I think that the doctor in Washington D.C. should become aware of this gene therapy ASAP. I mean, how much more difficult would it be to use such gene therapy for our supposed lack of enzymes or apparent neurotransmitter problems? But first, I think we should be trying to narrow down the cause of our pos-FIN state.

My own suspicion is that my skin and prostate have not enough enzymes to create dihydrotestosterone and possibly some other hormones. I have concerns about our ability to break down lipids after all we’ve been through, but my concern isn’t based on tests or any scientific reason. I’ve not kept up with postings on this site because I, like many others don’t have the money or means to visit any doctors who’ve been seeing people for our problem.

I am in Pennsylvania, so if anyone has an updated recommendation about who to see regarding this, let me know. My assumption right now is that no one knows WTH is going on with us and that the fellow in D.C. has as much info as anyone else at the moment. Of course, none of us know what is happening in China or Japan regarding post-FIN. And, if you clicked on the other link above, it will show you that the Chinese have been using gene therapy for nearly 8 years already.

I could be wrong but it might be a very long time before something like this is available for us. As you said, I think they are still trying to figure out which genes have been effected and that could take “a while”.

Can’t we have the genes made and use them?