This makes for optimism. Treatments coming through.
Have high hopes for this and CRISPR.
Thanks for being active on the forum man, I care about you guys though I don’t know you. And It’s good to see you guys are having hope and are looking to get rid of this shit. If we research together we might find somethijg that ll help us all.
Hey, could you maybe explain how this would be helpful curing any form of PFS?
@weaksides The world of gene therapy is starting to become a reality and as our problems / multitude of symptoms are as a result of epigenetic changes it means that the reality of a future treatment is not out of the realms. We have a good idea which genes have been hit and believe this has caused a downstream effect. Even if its not the case correcting those two alone would bring relief to some of the disease activity or even erase symptoms and damage. Regardless this is something to be optimistic about.
Is it not the case that we would like to reverse gene silencing?
Either way, this research could help.
Possibly but this demonstrates the science is now here, the key has been turned in the lock bringing on a new field of Medicine.
Let’s work together to find out the cause and support our community activities
Great explanation, certainly agree, it’s definitevely positive news.