Gabitril for insomnia

I’ve been hearing that one of the main causes of insomnia related to propecia use is due to gaba deficiency. Considering how hard xyrem is to obtain I’m curious if anyone has tried Gabitril instead. Or Perhaps even Phenibut which apparently is sold as a nutritional supplement.

Do a search for Phenibut, Xyrem etc on here, others have documented their experiences.

How long have you suffered insomnia now?

For me it’s been 3 months and I’m taking zopiclone nightly which helps but far from a cure

Personally, if I take 5-10mg of Cortef or Isocort before bed I fall asleep 100x easier. Far better than anything else I have tried for insomnia including ashwaghadia, Benzos, Gaba, Valerian Root, etc.

It’s been ongoing now since october TigersHull. I can sleep a little bit but it’s a very light unrefreshing sleep with constant awakenings. Have my system completely out of whack. I’ve tried Melatonin(which used to knock me out)Valerian Root and Even Remeron, all have done nothing.I’ll look into the cortef/Isocort Moonman1. Have you been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by any chance>? Mew, yeah I noticed xyrem has been widely talked about around here but unfortunately seems impossible to get for most people(at least in the united states anyway). I’m surprised no one has tried gabatril by now which is much more readily available.

Not Remeron. I meant to say Ambien.

Yes, Dr Crisler Dx me w “adrenal insufficiency” after a 24 hour urinary test

You think adrenal problems and lowered gaba levels are the main culprit from people suffering with sleep related problems on propecia? Ever since the first few nights of complete insomnia I feel as though my body is in fight or flight mode and I haven’t been able to get a decent nights sleep since. Caffeine and Alcohol effect me much differently now as well.

MentalNorman, I made the same experience in my first insomnia months, I was always in that fight or flight mode. This of course gets better when you sleep deeper and better.

Raberduck. What did you do to alleviate your symptoms of insomnia? Mine has been going on since october and I’m still sleeping very poorly. This has easily been my worst effect from propecia and I feel is one of the main culprits for my anxiety,nervousness, and depression. I guess it doesn’t help much that i have been drinking constantly. Since these effects from propecia have started i’ve been able to ingest much more alcohol then usual only to end up with a mild buzz… but it’s been my only relief.

Alcohol and caffeein definately messed up my sleep in my early PFS days, but not anymore. So you should try to avoid caffeein completely and alcohol in the evening (you can drink some alc in the afternoon, that shouldn’t be a problem).

I’m taking many many supplements that help my sleep.
In the morning:

  • vit B12 Methylcobalamin (250mcg)
  • vit B12 Cyanocobalamin (125mcg)
  • selenium (100mcg)
  • folate (400mcg)
  • NAC (250mg)
  • TMG (200mg)

In the evening:

  • zinc (20mg)
  • tryptophan (500mg)
  • magnesium citrate (150mg)
  • glutamine (250mg)

Currently I’m also taking 5mg tamoxifen and 0,25mg arimidex eod, which also helped my mood and sleep (very much in the beginning but now the effect wears off).

I recommend you to do some light workout every day (3x15 push-ups + 3x30 sit-ups are enough for me), this also helps my sleep pretty much and doesn’t take much time.

I know this is old but thanks for the response! Btw what is the reason you are supplementing both forms of b12?

I first took only cyanocobalamin and noticed some positive effects for my sleep, later within the context of the methylation protocol I added methylcobalamin. I then tried to drop cyano but my sleep got worse, so I stayed on it.