This could be useful…

“Additionally, Gabapentin has been prescribed to menopausal patients being treated with anti-androgenic compounds to reduce the incidence and intensity of the accompanying hot flashes[20]. Gabapentin may help deepen sleep, positively affecting deep, slow wave sleep, and reducing arousals during the night. [21] It could potentially be helpful for both sleep onset and sleep maintenance.[citation needed] Gabapentin is sometimes prescribed for RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). Finally, it may be effective in treating akathisia —a side effect of antipsychotics that causes severe agitation and anxiety.[citation needed]”

i tried it and it doesnt do nothin

It didn’t help you sleep?

I am going to get some of this and see how it helps my sleep, it sounds very safe and well used, plus it’s cheap and accessible.

I have bought some of this - I will let you all know of my experiences.

Any more experiences with Gabapentin? From my search, it seems like it is generally successful. My GP is interested in trying this out with me. If it can help out with sleep/mental issues, I’d be willing to give it a go. I am worried about side effects and unsure of what dosage I should really be taking. Any thoughts?

anyone still have a link for gabapentin? Any more user reviews would also be helpful. I decided not to go through my GP on this one. I am interested still, because it seems to at least improve sleep (which would be great) and could possibly do more.

Anybody? Thanks!

Anyone know what the standard dosage of Gabapentin is ?

I have taken Gabapentin to combat PFS. Does anyone want to know any questions? I will tell you it is a miracle, but it stops working after a few weeks and there are some bad side effects. It seems to work best if you cycle it.

What benefits do you get from it ?

i have my pregabalin sitting around! must try it…

its supposed to be similar to gabapentin

so is it a miracle as well for libido/erections? because that would be unexpected to me…(and the reason why i decided to try trazodone before pregabalin)

This did work for me initially. Haven’t used it in a while, will try it again. Perhaps cycle it.

I bought gabapentin and tried it once. It did help me fall asleep that night, but the experiment wasn’t conclusive as I was sleeping in a hotel and the people next door woke me up at 6 o’clock in the morning (had taken the stuff at about 2 o’clock). Maybe it’s because I didn’t sleep it off, but I was kind of spaced out the next day. I didn’t feel too much anxiety though, as if the drug blocked it. I need to give it another try. Anyone else has been experimenting with it?

Someone mentioned side effects. What are they? And should you expect side effects if you only take it once in a while to sleep?

I haven’t tried it because of:

Can’t someone either confirm it, or refute it plz?

Massive amounts of energy and strength (seriously it is remarkable)
Brain fog gone (if i play hockey I go from a 4/10 player to a 7/10 player just from the improvement on my reaction time)
Lose all anxiety and depression