Future Research into PSSD - The Mario Negri Institute

One of the most prestigious and independent research units in the world has agreed to potentially begin a study on PSSD after Covid-19 situation quiets down. More info here:

Please support Rxisk Prize so that we can get the ball rolling.


My personal views regarding this are that while I appreciate Dr Healy’s advocacy for our issue, I don’t believe he’s following a plausible line of thought. My understanding is that his view is that this is caused by some sensory receptor dysfunction. This hypothesis doesn’t explain a lot of symptoms (such as the physical ones) that some members here face.


huge thanks to that Italian guy who allowed this

I am sorry that you’re unhappy with some of these experts hypothesis.

However, it is much more crucial for now to focus on spreading awareness and achieving the prize target, so that more and more scientists become interested in this subject.

put a comment of interest under the post of Rxisk regarding the involvement of Mario Negri… Let’s give a sign that we exist and there is reason to do research on PSSD