Since these research studies from the PFS foundation are taking much longer than expected I was wondering if people would be interested in finding researchers and paying them ourselves to get quick efficient data about PFS instead of having to wait years for any information at all. I just kind of find it hard to believe it has taken these institutions this long to collect data and we have got NO updates about them, it feels like they are taking their sweet time while our lives are passing us by. Let me know what you guys think.
I also reckon this one as a faster option. But who would organize this?
Check out this post: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10809
A few of us were 1 step away from making this happen last year. We decided not to, thinking that the Foundation’s research were just a few months from being published. We were wrong about that, so now we are interested in doing this again. It would tell us if we have androgen silencing and if so, most likely tell us by which method it is silenced.
The Foundation has no control over how long these studies are taking. Its the research teams themselves that keep postponing.
I think the turnaround on this was about 5-8 weeks.
We really need some antibody tests for things that revolve around DHT regulation/metabolism
I have just read way too many PFS stories that revolve around a flu. And recoveries for 2 weeks after finishing a long water fast (immune system is highly supressed after a long fast during the refeeding peroid)
I am in for this. The RT PCR and the antibodies test. Who has experienc ein organizing group buys?
Any news on funding?