Frontiers | The Vitamin D Receptor and T Cell Function | Immunology1

“Frontiers | The Vitamin D Receptor and T Cell Function | Immunology”

Apologies if this has been covered previously as I’m aware there are numerous posts about vit d.

Low vit d can effect numerous bodily functions and can account for virtually every symptom on here. I’ve mistakenly focused on disregulated androgens as the primary source but vitamin D seems to cover everything from back pain, muscle atrophy, collagen loss, eyesight problems, libido issues, cognitive impairment, tooth loss, frequent urination, dry skin the list goes on vit d also plays a role in 900 genes low levels can trigger many AI diseases that sufferers believe they have developed. There has been much debate as to whether an AI response is part of pfs. This can actually be linked into the over expression resulting in inflammation. I also believe that an AI suppressor could potentially dampen the fires of pfs. Anti TNF has also been mentioned previously. I was on these drugs virtually throughout my pfs journey and I seemed to recover unexplainably to a degree at times over the 20 years of having pfs even though I continued to take fin on and off for 15 of these years. For many this would be catastrophic. However PFS has blown me apart these last 5 which correlates with both the cessation of fin and anti tnfs. I also believe my body became less responsive to this class of drugs with time. Vit D deficiency and over expressed related genes in part resulting in an AI response does it for me. Don’t shoot me down it’s just my 2 cents which is borne out by 20 years of pfs with periods of relief. At the end of the day no one has tried AI drugs as a pfs treatment. I understand its a leap at this stage but it could be what actually turns out to be an effective recommended treatment when this is fully understood.
N.B. why was I not blown apart when I stopped fin so many times, I had crashes but improved to a degree without the 2nd drop through the trap door this only happened when I was no longer responding to AI drugs. I’m only saying it is part of the picture.
Possibly a treatment until the real game changer lands ie gene therapy. Just trying to give hope and options for those who are in a serious situation. For me these cards have already been played.



I’m currently seeing an autoimmune immune doctor along with a number of other drs, there’s a possibility I may be put on an ai treatment, because I believe there may an ai component to this, we’ll see what happens when I get my bloods back.


Great post btw

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Thanks @Headpressure keep us posted. I’m convinced an appropriate AI treatment will help. I spoke to imperial college in London re this, but they’re as much use as a pfs cock in a brothel (rare joke) while they acknowledge pfs I don’t think they can comprehend the severity and are lost outside of the usual recommendations of cailis, wellbutrin, or ssris.
Best of luck

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Bro please let us know there are so many people holding onto some hope this is AI rather than some permanent change or brain damage.


I am a relatively severe case as is @LazarusRy and I will not watch myself wither away. Im not doing too well rn, so I’m exploring every Avenue and getting relatively extensive tests. I know this is discouraged because we kind of know what the drug has caused. But I don’t think it’s that black and white and I will gladly spend my money as much necessary to try and get some relief for myself and hopefully others. In addition to this, I’ll hopefully (If I get approved) :crossed_fingers:t3:be working with a epigentic team on my case, to see if I can get some more answers. As well as seeing doctors for the more typical hormonal route. As I said every Avenue but, currently working with ai and hormonal doctors, and hopefully soon an epigentic team. We’ll see what happens, I’m trying to remain optimistic here. As should you, I genuinely don’t think it’s permanent change. We just don’t currently know what works for every individual, it’s certainly a complicated condition that needs more research. What makes it so damn difficult are the inconsistencies in people’s symptoms.


Yeah that’s some bullshit, I’m working with a relatively open ai and neurology specialist that’s pretty much open to anything. So who the fuck knows what he’ll put me on, he prescribed me literally 50 bloodtests to the t, as per my request and was very supportive lmao. Just to show you what type of guy he is😂. Will keep you posted at this point I really don’t know if he will or he won’t, but he’s pretty sold on there being an ai aspect to this, as was my other doc. Not saying it’s everything, just a piece of the puzzle. Who knows we’ll see.