FranzFan's Blood Test Results

I got some bloods done a few days ago, and the results are below. I think the doctor forgot to test for FSH, which is annoying, but can you tell me anything from the results below? I’m a 21 y/o and now 4 months off propecia, having only ever taken 20mg before stopping…

Oestradiol level 108 PMOL/L (normal range is anything less than 191)
LH level 3.3 IU/L (normal range is between 1.5-9.3)
Prolactin level is 269 mU/L (normal range is 45-375
Testosterone level is 17 NMOL/L (normal range is 8.4-28.7)

Would appreciate any comments, and advice on other things to test for.


It all seems to be in normal range :/.

yup seems normal

Hi all,

I’ve just used the ISSM calculator to work out my free and bioavailable T levels. Obviously this is a relatively crude measurement, but hopefully gives an idea of these levels in the absence of me being able to persuade my doc to order the test.

My levels came in at

Free T: 1.73%
Bio-available T: 48.6%

Any idea how these stack up? I’ve found it hard to find any kind of barometer for what an ideal range is. I’m 23 by the way.

You need to give your total testosterone measurement along with the free testosterone percentage before anyone can comment on how your levels look.

Testosterone level is 17 NMOL/L (normal range is 8.4-28.7)… Thoughts?

Your total T of 17 nmol/l converts to approximately 490ng/dl. That is below average for a young man, and a little lower than what is considered “optimal” by LEF’s standards, but still no where near what is considered a hypogonadal level. I would bet it was much higher before you took propecia though.

If your free percentage is 1.73, then your Free T would be approximately 84.7 pg/ml.

Did your doctor have anything to say about your Free T level?

Here is a thread discussing normal testosterone levels in healthy young men:
(Click the links in that thread)