This a website u can go to and look at many people that have severe ED and do the shot injections and thousands have had penile prosthesis and tell about it on this forum… They explain how they wished they would have gotten it years ago. And they are REAL life stories of how great they are and they tell how good the sex is with one and how there wifes love em… Mite be something some people on this forum with severe impotence might wanna look into!!!

Erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction are different things…there’s no point in taking Viagra if you’re lost the sexual desire.

Besides, sexual function is only one component of PFS. Testosterone has multiple different functions that support well-being, mental and physical endurance. Most of us on here are looking to feel the effects of androgens in the body again, not simply make our dick hard.

I understand that most are wanting to feel androgens in the body again… I do too as well that is why I have chosen to go on TRT for life and it has benefitted me in some ways…But for those who have severe impotence a penile implant would prolly be the best thing because it does work and u can still orgasm on it. Im pretty sure u could be on TRT and have a penile implant… People that have them feel like they are 18 again and the women love it!!!


Always an optiom for people that are really messed up from this poison