Found a new doc today other than my primary urologist in which she sounded like she is gonna help me maximize my TRT… She is doing an 18 panel blood test…She is testing… Seen her today and explained to her what is happening now that I have let TRT kick in… I explained to her I can have sex doggiestyle and its enjoyable… And she said that after she does her labs if there is anything we need to supplement to add in with whats going on now that we will… She wants to get to the root of the problem… And I believe that a urologist has got me this far so I know that this doc is gonna take me further meaning prefin… Im pretty close to be there now…TRT alone has got me to where I am having am erections and having sex without having to take meds… I am hoping that after this other doc does her thing that if I throw in some HRT and HCG along with TRT… I will be like alpha male… Of course as good as I can be for 36 years of age… She told me that if there is a hormone that looks out of balance or out of whack that we would supplement it along with the TRT… For example if DHEA is out of line I get script for that or if progesterone is low then I get script for that and use it with TRT… Same thing goes if I need an AI… Anyways it seems the longer I go into this madness the better its getting… Soon I will be PREFIN… Yes my balls are shut down but big deal… SHe may stop the TRT and put me on HCG… Either way u gotta fight back goes… If u are in fact dealing with a hormonal imbalance then u got to fight to fix it… Last year 2 months after stopping propecia if I would have believed everything I have read on this forum then I never would have tried TRT…But however it didn’t work in the first 2 months… It was a slow progression reversing the damage that was done… It took a solid 6 months to get here… Any questions I am all ears :stuck_out_tongue:

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You have shrinkage, insomnia, numbness, vision problems, ect? Or just ED. If it was just ED and nothing else you didn’t really crash.

Just ed… No other symptoms and low libido from of course having low t 8 weeks after I stopped propecia…So u are saying this wasn’t a crash???

Nope, full crash is hard to describe. Hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, memory loss, vision blurry, cold numb dick, dick shrinks, random pain, dry skin, muscle loss, major depression, zombie feeling, no effects from drinking, very bad digestion. Low in range T levels are common but after a full crash rebalanced hormones don’t fix the problems. If you got results from TRT your very lucky. A couple weeks after my crash I was able to get an erection and still can but none of the other sides have gone away. If anything they have gotten worse.

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Damn man that’s horrible… I didn’t experience any of that, all I experienced was ed… But I did have low t 8 weeks off… Anyhowi guess this will get better for me as time goes on then huh??

Compared to some of us here… You sound like you won the lottery. Even if you stay the same id trade you in a heart beat. I feel so shitty right now I’m about to end this shit. I don’t know why I keep trying.

Brother I am truly sorry this has happened to u… I really hope that time heals u brother… Have u ever thought of trying TRT??

What I got from fin is like an autoimmune disease. Honestly I don’t know how or why it doesn’t kill you straight away. They wouldn’t allow this to be done to a death row inmate. It’s that bad.

U could try TRT for a little while and see if that kickstarts anything