For People That Can't Sleep, Try Sleeping Without A Shirt Or Cover On

Starting a new thread to give this more attention since sleep is such a big problem and we’ve had members commit suicide just because of not sleeping.

So people should try to fall asleep without a shirt or cover on. It helps with keeping your body cool enough to fall asleep. It might help since finasteride messes with body temperature regulation.

I just have to sleep without a shirt or cover on. I usually fall asleep on my back. Then when I wake up to pee, I fall back asleep on my side with a cover (a thin sheet or two, not a thick cover) cause I’m usually colder after the initial sleep, but I leave my back exposed and don’t cover it. This is so I stay cool enough to fall back asleep.

For people that can’t sleep this might help.


To add another tip. I found that intense exercise right before sleep helped me. If I laid there for a while and couldn’t sleep, I would do like 30 pushups, 90 crunches (30 each side and middle), and 50-70 squats as fast as possible. Then immediately go lay back down and as my heart rate fell I would pass out. Worked often enough that it was my go to strategy.