Turns out I have considerable peridontal bone loss, like there’s a gaping hole in my jaw and I will either need to have a bone graft done that may or may not work in hopes to prevent losing another tooth. I already can only eat with the left side of my mouth, this tooth is on the left side. Or I could ignore it and develop recurring, maybe dangerous infections and lose the tooth all the same.
I’ll need to take antibiotics for the procedure and I was offered azithromycin as a post-operative option.
I ask because I recently made a thread about amoxicillin for a gum abscess related to the above. Moonman1 said it was fine for him but it brought back my muscle symptoms as well as made a recently developed issue of aspiration dysphagia worse. It’s the worst, most horrific thing I’ve ever experienced since getting PFS and I have been suffering from that for almost 4 months now.
I believe at least two others with PFS had a dramatic negative outcome from taking amoxicillin too.
I did a search for azithromycin and only found reports of temporary ED and lowered libido or heightened libido.
I did make similar threads but I hope this one is different enough so that it can stay up on its own.
What am I supposed to do? Just roll the dice and pray? It’s not like I can cross reference my epigenome with an assay of which antibiotics would have a favorable effect on gene expression for me. Not gonna lie, this shit is scary and I have no clue what to do.