Flynn - Possible Theory of PAS and Progesterone

@flynn Do you have any updates? Tried mifepristone yet?

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Has anyone except Ronnie taken Mifepristone? @flynn you got any updates?

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Hi there,

I haven’t been able to get any yet nor have I had a good opportunity to take some as I plan to use when I have 1-2 weeks with no responsibilities. I will post when I if I do though. I think someone on the other thread mentioned they took some.

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I had a retrogade ejaculation at the 3rd day of taking Accutane that day still haunts me after 7.5 years. Retrogade thing healed back a day after but my PAS ( low semen) didn’t. I also probably had numb orgasms but i didn’t realize it, years later when it got worsened and worsened i joined this site, 2018 i think. I was 18 i think when i joined here.

No mental symptoms except self driven anxiety and OCD.

Weird, i also had very dry and white, falling out skin and back pain on the second day. These symptoms occur in people after months of treatment. These two also went away after a week. Im a hell of an interesting case for sure. Lmao. I wish i could find what is my issue. Seems like prostate. I want to do that Gene test @Gord shared.

Please check out that test and do it immediately if you PAS guys in are UK we need to see our gene predisposition! This is very important.

Might be useful as a note, I have had dheas tested it came back too low.

So might be just me or maybe things go south for some.

Check these affected genes by isotretinoin. Upregulated and downregulated.

Where did you find this? Damn… This test must be done on healthy people who don’t experience side effects like us ! So what the hell!

It’s taken from this study.

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Thanks. Hey man, can you tell me, do you have skind and scalp insensivity too? When i run my fingers on my scalp, or scratch it with my fingernails, i can’t feel as good and as sensitive as before.

I think Accutane, just like Finasteride, causes AR damage on the whole skin and epithelial tissues.

Please examine carefully. Try to remember the pre-pas sensivity. Thanks.

It is no secret that retinoids affect a multitude of genes around the body. However only a small number of these genes are of interest as they only a small number have real biological plausibility for causing PAS and specifically sexual side effects. Hence although it may seem overwhelming when you see the vast number of genes, it is important to note that this number could be drastically reduced in a research capacity.

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How’s is going for you? I read through this thread and realized we both have the same progesterone levels. I’m pretty sure this is one of the main culprits to my sexual disorder.

I used Fin and not Accutane though.

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I have a very hectic lifestyle and I haven’t had the opportunity to source high quality mifepristone nor have I had a good period of time to experiment with it. So I haven’t made any progress but I have been living with these side effects for a very long period of time now.

I posted this theory just to get my thoughts out there and to try to bring together various bits of information. I don’t know if this theory is correct at all, it might not be but only time will tell. When we are in a position to investigate these things, it could be worth looking into.

Seems like mifepristone might be my last chance, I’ve tried everything else, proviron, test and masteron, DHEA supplements, triptorelin (this may have helped the most), creatine and glycine to try to upregulate AR…. Running out of options here. If I can get my hands on mifepristone I’ll give it a shot

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I’d give mifepristone the ol college try if anybody can source it for me. I can’t find it anywhere.

Hi guys,

Its been quite a while, did anybody else try Mifepristone yet, and was there any lasting permanent results ?

I don’t understand how all the people here speculate and give others hope and then don’t post anything anymore.
Why doesn’t anyone come back and report???

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Many left for different reasons. There’s a reddit.

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where is the reddit?

Discussed in this thread. Good luck. Jim

Move to Reddit + automod rules

Vielen Dank.