Flight compensation for Brigham study patients

Myself and a few other guys are clubbing together to raise some cash for flights.

Does anybody here want to take part in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital study in Boston…but cannot afford flights? If so, PM me. Let’s get this show on the road. I want to do everything I can to complete this study and maybe we can save some lives.

It makes sense to aim mostly for guys in the eastern part of the USA, since it will be cheaper and easier (we can get more PFS victims out to Boston for the same amount of cash). However, this is open to everyone. We just need to work out who is available, who’s up for following through etc.

Have you checked with the PFS Foundation? They might be able to help you with flights…

I have already checked with them. They will decide, on a case-by-case basis, just how much they’re able to help out patients with expenses. It seems that it may be limited to hotel costs etc. They haven’t been too sharp in communicating exactly where they stand on this issue, which has been the source of some confusion on the board.

In other words, the PFS Foundation is not always able to cover ALL the expenses. That’s where we come in. We can plug the gaps and make sure everything is paid for, between all of us. We’re not talking about ‘help.’ We’re talking about working together to pay for everything, the flights, the hotel. All in. Because that’s a big factor that may be holding people back.

Does that make sense?

I think he wants to help pay flights to PFS victims who want to participate in the studies.

I can pitch in money as well. Let me know. Also - contact Phillip Roberts at media@pfsfoundation.org for funding issues…

Best to let PFS Foundation know what you want to do. So there is no duplication of work.

Okay. This is an attempt at communication. I would like to know the following and ONLY the following:

  1. Do any of you PFS victims want to attend the study in Boston?
  2. Have you checked that you are eligible? Contact Allen Papazian at Brigham and Women’s Hospital to find out.
  3. At this stage, we all work together (including with the PFS Foundation) to cover ALL of the travel and hotel expenses.

Is that clear?

I’m seeking answers to the above questions ONLY. I don’t need any other tips or suggestions because I didn’t ask for them. Thanks.

Both myself and a friend who took Propecia in the past, but is fine now have been accepted into the Boston study. I have contacted the foundation in regards to travel reimbursement. I am waiting for a reply from them now, but if they cannot afford to help cover costs, we would likely need to take you up on this offer. I cannot get a job with my brain in such disarray, so I have no money, and my friend works several jobs trying to save money for a move cross country; he has no need to participate, but is doing so as a favor to me, so he should not have to pay to do so.

I’ll do the Boston study. Does anyone have the contact info for the people?

Allen Papazian
Clinical Research Coordinator
Men’s Health, Aging and Metabolism
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
221 Longwood Avenue, BLI-549
Boston, MA 02115

Thanks I will call them in the morning.

Hi all, just a note to say I will help provide funding for flights etc. too, via the PFS Foundation. The researchy is such a great opportunity we need to capitalise on it.

Thanks all,


Anybody been given the all clear by the hospital to travel?

If so, PM me, or let me know in this thread. And I can get started on finally sorting out the flights and hotel stay.