Hello all,
My Story is I took an oral pill twice in two days, started to feel the side effects and stopped (this was about 1.5 months ago). The side effects seized after a few days. I then, stupidly enough, tried topical finasteride (.25%) concentration, prescribed by a doctor. I applied 30 drops on my head, which I was supposed to do twice a day. I did this once (30 drops) and almost immediately started feeling side effects much worse than the oral pill. I had insomnia, heavy eyes, brain fog, ED. Its been three days all of the side effects seem to have gone away except my ED. I am able to masturbate, but its quite difficult to do so. Semen feels less than normal, and erection is certainly not as hard as it would be before. Now I know PFS has to be over a long period of time, so I certainly know it’s only been 3 days. My main question is do you think I can recover? What can help me recover if anything?
Thanks guys