First drugless unconscious sleeping since September 2014

Well my “barking bonkers” PFS recovery saga continues! 15 years of daily FIN utterly destroyed my “sleeping computer.” I permanently stopped unconsciously sleeping in September 2014. I have - quite impossibly - subsisted on short unpleasant random “rest naps” since then. (Risparidone + nortriptylin gave me zombie :zombie:‍♂ sleep for 1.5 years. Belsomra never worked well.)

Skip to last month. My new sleep doc Richard Waldhorn in Washington DC prescribed trazodone, which immediately worked but triggered severe side effects, including sexual dysfunction, so I ditched it after two weeks.

But even off trazodone I’ve been sleeping unconsciously several hours daily! Barking bonkers! Hopefully somehow trazodone has “kick-started” unconscious sleep permanently.

PS See my previous threads about my PFS recovery.


Damn nice

That’s incredibly great news. I am so happy to hear this! Trazodone gave me perfect sleep the two times I tried it. Also had some heart issues from it, among other concerns, so I discontinued. I hope you will only continue to get better from here.