Finestride us and Sex drive issues... mental or chemical? long post

O.K Im just going to get all out.
I’m 28 years old 29 in 23 days. I just finished my 8th year of college and entered into my family business, we are Chiropractors and my father is a great one. I just received my license in late November and the last 6 weeks have been very slow for me. I have had the expectations that I would be walk into this successful practice and l be seeing well over 20 people a day and bringing at least 75k$ this year which my father sees well over 40 and does quality work with all of them…. I see between 3-7 a day and my best has been 10 in one day my worest was 0. I just got married (September) to an amazing and very patient women whom I have lived with for 4 years and dated for 5. I only mention all of the following because I want you to see my mind set because I think stress needs to be considered as factor in all of this.
Why I started using finestride……
I have always been a very fir person, in high school took creatine, andro, protein you name. I always had trouble gaining weight and mass but was always around 9-7 % body fat thanks to track and wrestling. When I was 19 I used equipoise and sustinone in really loss doses didn’t put on much weight but my vascularity increased. Did it completely wrong no hair protection (but not loss so got lucky) and no antiestrogens use or drugs to boost natural test. But it didn’t seem to affect me at all. 6 years later in my 2nd year of chiro school I decided to do another cycle but this time I was going to go all out. So I bought test cypinate 250 and did it at 500mg a week and equipoise at 400mg a week, I also used nolvodex to avoid estrogen increase sides and finestride(which I ordered from china and still do). Everything went as planned and I gained 10 pounds of mass and kept. So I continued the finestride at .5mg because my dads bald and it started for him around 25 ( have no real issues some very mild thing on the sides of my upper scalp). No issue first 6months. But I started noticing not ever being horny and that my semen velocity had decreased when I did have sex.

Where Im at now….
Basically my wife gets upset with me because we don’t have sex that much, basically 2 or 3 times a month. At least 1 of those times its after we go out and we have both been drinking. I am concerned that if I go off the drug I will lose my hair…. Even faster now since I have been on the drug for close to 4yrs. Are there substances out there that will increase my sex drive….or is it stress from work and lack of expectations? Also just to clarify my wife is gorgeous and I don’t even get aroused by other attractive women. Once we start foreplay I’m good to go but the drive to even start isn’t there? What do I do?

This is not the forum for you, please READ:

Considering all the other drugs you’ve taken, it could be any number of issues (although loss of libido and erectile dysfunction are listed side effects of Finasteride).

Best bet is to quit all medications and see if issues resolve. If you still plan to take Finasteride, please visist HAIRLOSS sites.


Your mild symptoms are the same thing I experienced for the first few years and so did many others. This is the reason why I kept taking the medication; and the fact that Merck claimed side effects will subside after you discontinue usage.

The reality is, if you continue to take that poison pill you will get worse. I don’t say should. I said, “will”. The damage you do to yourself may not be simply reversable as Merck has claimed. So you may want to read a few more stories about the wrath of what this pill has done to so many.

Yep, your side effects will only get worse…I would A.) stay off the drug and see if you get better and B.) if you dont get better…see the best HRT doctor(Dr. Crisler).