My current battle is trying to find a decent doctor who at least can admit and treat PFS. In Ontario, the public health care system is broken and wait times are absolutely ridiculous. Everytime I need to make another appointment it costs weeks-months. It’s going to take years at this pace !!! But time is ticking for me because some of my symptoms are getting worse and I’m approaching the 6 month mark since I’ve quit. So I need to find a decent doctor that isn’t a waste of time, because going back to try to find another will cost months. I’m even considering to pay for private health care because this public system is broken and I just can’t afford the wait times. Patients on RateMymds have complained about two Canadian doctors, particularly a Toronto doctor recommended here, they’ve said the doctors totally dismissed them and refused to report their side-effects to health Canada.
Who are good doctors that you or someone you know has seen inside Ontario?
Any outside of Ontario but nearby?
Who should I avoid?