I’m a member at ejaculatoryanhedonia.com, and thought I’d share some information with you. Ejaculatory anhedonia, not a lot of fun, fairly rare, and docs know squat about it. I’m only aware of 3 people getting cured, and they were all cured with Gaba Plus (GABA + Inositol + Niacinimide). The last person to turn up was a former finasteride user. Naturally, a bunch of us tried Gaba Plus, to no success, but it has worked for some, and maybe that could be you.
The tie ins between niacinimide, 5-alpha reductase, gaba, allopregnenolone, are all rather interesting, so there is some reason to think this can work, but I recommend just giving it try. Good luck.
The post of the post finasteride guy: